
NYT Finds Climate Skeptics in Copenhagen

Tom Zeller Jr. stumbles upon some Copenhagen contrarians and treats them with some respect.

Ireland's 'Harshest Budget' Leaves No One 'Unscathed,' Reads Alleged News Story

Sarah Lyall reacts badly to spending cuts in Dublin. Confiscatory tax hikes are far more palatable to the Times' liberal world view.

Don't Worry, Obama Fans, It's Still All Bush's Fault

Jackie Calmes: "The president's pique at Republicans was evident before Wednesday's meeting, after 10 months in which they have opposed all of his major initiatives to address the problems he ...

Latest NYT Poll Shows Obama Approval Plummeting

A poll that only made page 8 of the paper shows Obama's job approval has fallen by six points and his disapproval rate risen six points since September.

Heckuva Job, Desiree: Times Downplays 'Non-Religious Christmas' Plans at White House

The Times left a Christmas bomb in paragraph 12 of its syrupy Sunday story on Desiree Rogers, the bumbling Obama social secretary: "When former social secretaries gave a luncheon to welcome Ms. ...

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Like 'George W. Bush on Steroids'

A charming image, courtesy of Times contributing writer Robert Draper, on Texas's Republican governor, Rick Perry: "...in his ostrich-skin cowboy boots with popcorn tumbling down his shirt while ...

Sign Us Up: Trillions to Fight Global Warming 'Relatively Small Fraction' of Total Economic Output

Fighting "global warming" will cost trillions of dollars, but don't worry, John Broder explains, it's "a relatively small fraction of the world's total economic output."

Politics of Fear OK When It Comes to Global Warming

Kookiness on parade at the Copenhagen climate talks is greeted with studious neutrality by the Times credulous reporters: "To help establish the mood, the choreographers of the meeting screened a ...

Get Your Race-Based Holiday Shopping Done at NYTimes.com!

The New York Times has set up a special gift page for non-whites, with gift suggestions like the "Wise Latina" t-shirt: "Wise shoppers can commemorate the moment in history when Sonia Sotomayor ...

Another NYT Nudge Toward End-of-Life Health Care Rationing?

Andrew Pollack greets a new tumor-shrinking drug with concerns about costs, as if cancer-fighting drugs come cheap: "A newly approved chemotherapy drug will cost about $30,000 a month, a sign that ...
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