
Times Leaves a Lot Out of Columbia Professor's Bar Fight

In a story about a black professor allegedly hitting a white colleague in a bar while discussing "white privilege," the Times manages to leave out both the black-white issue and the "white ...

The Democratic Party Is Simply Crammed with 'Gifted Orators'

Barack Obama is a "gifted orator," and so is Bill Clinton, Mario Cuomo...and Howard Dean? Plus: Did Obama's Cairo speech really inspire the mass uprising against corrupted elections in Iran? ...

The Times Continues to Evade Issue of Killer Hasan's Muslim Extremism

Two more articles evade the issue of Malik Hasan's religious extremism and support for suicide bombers, in favor of psychobabble about maintaining diversity and the "strain of working with ...

Fabricator Jayson Blair on Race and Merit

Disgraced New York Times fabricator Jayson Blair at Washington and Lee University said race wasn't a major factor in his rise and fall at the Times. This from someone whose Times-bashing memoir ...

New York Times Sees Bias Everywhere But Own News Pages

Richard Perez-Pena, reporter for a doggedly liberal rival newspaper, comments on The New York Post's "doggedly conservative slant."

NYT Gives False Impression That Catholic Medal of Honor Recipient Was Muslim

Andrea Elliott's front-page article in Monday's Times played up the thousands of Muslims in the U.S. military and how their service...is more necessary and more complicated than ever before, but ...

Adam Nagourney Also Dismisses NJ, VA Dems as Lousy Candidates, Sparing Obama

In a podcast, chief political reporter Adam Nagourney throws Democrats under the bus, leaving Obama and his agenda blameless: "Is that really surprising, that they didn't show up to vote for ...

Gail Collins Desperately Throwing VA, NJ Democrats Under the Bus to Aid Obama

Columnist Gail Collins desperately wants to convince people that the big Democratic losses in New Jersey and Virginia last Tuesday don't have the slightest thing to do with Barack Obama or his agenda.

Fort Hood Massacre Reveals Paper's Politically Correct Priorities

In its coverage of the Fort Hood massacre, the Times revealed its politically correct priorities: What do the killings mean for Obama's agenda and "the tensions Muslims can feel"? "The shootings ...

GOP Protest Buried on A-15: 230 Words Inside Article on House Democrats

It's another example of New York Times distaste for conservative protests: a Capitol Hill rally was buried, with six paragraphs inside a story about Democrats passing a "landmark" health bill.
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