
Save the Earth: Recycle Your Urine

Lunchtime reading: Did you know that "Human excrement is rich in nitrogen" and "A 19th-century 'sewage farm' in Pasadena, Calif., was renowned for its tasty walnuts"?

George W. Bush's "Free Market Orthodoxy"?

Was that before or after the massive expansion of Medicare?

The Liberal Obsession with Income Inequality

Economics columnist David Leonhardt sees Obama's budget plan and U.S. history itself through the distorted liberal prism of income inequality, missing issues of individual freedom and the many ...

Dead-Tree Hypocrisy

The Times chides Americans for their tree-killing "obsession" with soft toilet tissue: "But fluffiness comes at a price." So, how many trees have to die to churn out one million editions of the ...

So Hamas and Hezbollah Aren't Terrorist Groups?

Truth hurts? In Cairo, reporter Michael Slackman frets that "the public is outraged that Hamas is labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, while Israel is treated as a close friend."

Yep: The Times Got Pranked By the "Dating a Banker Anonymous" Girls

Newsweek reports that "what the Times described as a 'support group' of about 30 women is actually a full-blown parody...They don't fact check the emails, or the gossip, and the posts are ...

Gary Locke's "Scandal-Free Resume"?

Columnist Michelle Malkin accuses reporter William Yardley of whitewashing the Clinton-era campaign finance controversies of Gary Locke, Obama's pick for Commerce Secretary.

"The Upside of Paying More Taxes"

Staff writer and columnist David Leonhardt on the civilizing joys of higher tax rates: "Think of it this way: A tax increase isn't so much a barrier to a society becoming richer as it is a result ...

Times "Ridicules" Pentagon Report Saying No Mistreatment at Gitmo

The Times can't accept the fact that Guantanamo Bay may not be inhumane: "...detainees' lawyers and human rights groups ridiculed the 85-page report that the official, Adm. Patrick M. Walsh, sent ...

Jabbing at Conservative Catholic Church in Profile of "Obedient Soldier of Rome"

New York's new Archbishop Timothy Dolan is also a "genial enforcer of Rome's ever more conservative writ," according to reporter Michael Powell.
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