
"Iraq War Ends": NYT Parody Issue Hits Streets of New York

A Times parody sounds a bit like the wish-list of the Times editorial page: "Articles described a nation turned hard left: nationalized oil companies, a 'maximum wage' law, the enactment of ...

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: Today's Entry, Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg

The Times' White House reporter Stolberg (pictured) gushed about the president-elect: "Now comes Barack Obama: young, hip and multicultural..."

Rep. Chris Shays, Conservative? NYT Full of Labeling Slant

And in Colorado, "a drift toward socially conservative orthodoxy" made the Republican party a "tough sell to newcomers."

Reagan More Out-of-Mainstream Than Obama

Book review editor Sam Tanenhaus, who was considered a conservative when he took the job, seems amazed that "Some 40 years later, there are conservatives who still inveigh against the perils of ...

A Nice Blue Souvenir? NYT's Big Election Map Doesn't Show Actual Results

The Times published a big blue map on the front page of its special election section - but it's not a map of the 2008 results. It just shows the relative shift toward the Democrat, not that the ...

McCain's "Fundamentals of the Economy" Flub: A Revisionist View

Today the Times points to John McCain's statement as a gaffe that "fundamentally altered the dynamic of the race." But one Times writer characterized the resulting criticism as a "cheap shot."

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: First Entry, Reporter Rachel Swarns

It's gonna be a long four years: "In a country long divided, Mr. Obama had a singular appeal: he is biracial and Ivy League educated; a stirring speaker who shoots hoops and quotes the theologian ...

Not Everything Went the Times' Way on Election Night....

Wishful thinking about Democratic wins in Florida, Kentucky, and Mississippi failed to pan out.

Surprise: Liberal Columnist Kristof Acknowledges Media Bias

"But on the social issues - gun control, abortion, gay marriage, religion - I'm not sure we're that even-handed....Journalists move easily in the world of business Republicans, less easily in the ...

"At Times the Contest Grew Ugly..."

One guess which party reporter Michael Cooper blames.
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