
Illegal Immigration Concerns in "The Whitest Congressional District in Colorado"

Kirk Johnson on Coloradans concerned about illegal immigration: "Residents and local political leaders say the answer comes down, at least partly, to words like 'order' and 'stability.' Those ...

Times Tells Ralph Nader: Don't Dare Hurt the Democrats Again

The Times' message to Ralph Nader: Stick to your "consumer advocacy" and don't hurt Democratic presidential prospects like you did with Gore in 2000.

Hit Piece on Rupert Murdoch Fizzles

"What worries his critics is that Mr. Murdoch will use The Journal...as yet another tool to further his myriad financial and political agendas." Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. would never ...

NYT Movie Critic Praises "Sicko," Wonders About Lack of "Social Welfare" in U.S.

A.O. Scott called Michael Moore "a credit to the Republic" after "Fahrenheit 9-11" and thinks "Sicko" is his "funniest," "most broadly appealing" film yet.

Ethics Columnist Pretentiously Defends Donation to MoveOn.org

The Times' liberal ethicist after being caught donating to MoveOn.org: "Few papers would object to a journalist donating to the Boy Scouts or joining the Catholic Church. But the former has an ...

Reporter-Columnist Bashes "Blowhard Fringe" Against Immigration Bill

Reporter-turned-columnist Timothy Egan on talk radio hosts against illegal immigration: "...pragmatism is being drowned out by the bullies with electronic bullhorns, whove got their party leaders ...

Dumpster Diving as a Morally Superior Lifestyle

The Times flatters a bunch of freeloading leftists who call themselves "freegans."

Ruthless Cuban Communist "an Advocate for Women's Rights"?

That's the ludicrous description the Times gives to Vilma Espin, the wife of Cuban leader Raul Castro.

First Clarence Thomas, Now Ronald Reagan

Sunday's theme: Let liberals loose on respected Republican figures under the guise of book reviews.

Our Lead Story: Accusations of US-Al Qaeda Ties

Alissa Rubin, the Times newest Iraq War pessimist: "Many Iraqis, beleaguered at every turn, said they saw the bomb as...one more piece of evidence that the Americans could not protect them from ...
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