
Alessandra Wonders Why Fox's Comedy Show Targets the Left

Plus cheap shots at Rush: "Mr. Limbaugh is the newly elected commander in chief, and he tells his fellow Americans that his Democratic opponent, Howard Dean, is 'finally getting the medical ...

Slanting the Cervical Cancer Vaccine Story

"Groups wary of drug industry motives" versus "religious and cultural conservatives." What, no liberals?

Idi Amin's "Positive Qualities"?

Actor Forest Whitaker's new biopic about the bloodthirsty dictator "nailed Amin's complexities."

A Liberal Resurgence in the U.S.? The Times Can Only Hope

Liberals are back, despite "years of ridicule, battering" and trashing "by generations of conservative candidates and commentators."

Reporter Claims Terror Surveillance Program Unaffected by his Scoop - But His Newspaper Says Different

Eric Lichtblau: "...both of these operations are still in existence without any impact on their ability to function. In both cases, we were warned that the plug would be pulled on these programs ...

"Property-Rights Fanatics" Love the Old Confederacy

Reporter Adam Nossiter uses two murderers who moved to South Carolina from New Hampshire to paint a whole town as guilty.

The Times Embraces Left-Wing Bloggers at Libby Trial

Scott Shane's front-page story celebrates the left-wingers at Firedoglake for their work from the Libby trial, ignoring the conservative master of Plame-gate details, Tom Maguire.

Chris Hedges on "American Fascists" of the Christian Right on Colbert Show

The former Times reporter on Christian Right leaders: "...what they have done is pervert, destroy, and hollow out the actual heart of the Christian religion. I mean look at the little empires that ...

Theory of Evolution Criticized, WTC Attacked...Any Connection?

Dennis Overbye: "In [Sagan's] absence, the public discourse on his favorite issues...has not fared well. The teaching of evolution in public schools has become a bitter bone of contention...and of ...

The "Feminist Writings" of Hateful, Vulgar Edwards' Bloggers "Deemed Anti-Catholic"

The editor of the Times political blog seems sympathetic to the offensive tag team of bloggers Marcotte and McEwan, who resigned from the Edwards campaign after their hateful posts became an issue.
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