
Anti-Harold Ford Jr. "Ad Seen as Playing to Racial Fears"

The Times fronts the controversy over a supposedly racist campaign ad mocking Rep. Harold Ford Jr. for attending a party for Playboy magazine.

Former NYT Editor Hedges Thinks Jews Making Too Much of Holocaust

"...the real lesson of the Holocaust...is that the line between the victim and the victimizer is razor-thin."

Stanley's Strange Take on Michael J. Fox's Misleading Campaign Ads

Huh? "If Mr. Fox did forgo medication for the advertisement as Mr. Limbaugh suggested, it could hardly be considered fraudulent: if anything, masking the extent of the disease's ravages is the ...

Shoving the Political Spectrum to the Right

The Times plumps for the "largely conservative voting records" of two centrist-at-best Georgia Democrats.

NYT Finally Asks: Why Isn't the GOP Benefiting from the Strong Economy?

Eduardo Porter asks the question but misses one of the obvious answers: Media bias, including the slant of his own paper.

Public Editor Recants: Times Was Wrong to Expose Terrorist Surveillance Program

But some Times critics find Barney Calame's mea culpa lame: "While it's a close call now, as it was then, I don't think the article should have been published."

Anticipating a Democratic Blowout

The Democrats (and the Times) are getting giddy together as November 7 looms.

Signs of the Coming Bush Apocalypse

Also: Former bureau chief Chris Hedges went wild on Christian "fascism," plus Frank Rich's "pathology."

Ted Kennedy: NYT Co. "The Premier Brand In Journalism"

The liberal senator from Massachusetts criticizes the Times for failing to live up to its sterling reputation - in his eyes, anyway - in its dealing with The Boston Globe. The Times itself fails ...

Relishing Conservative Feuds on the Front Page

David Kirkpatrick answers the question: How many "conservatives" can fit inside a front-page story?
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