The Times predictably put Mitt Romney's tax return announcement in its lead slot, but reporter Michael Shear noted that "Mr. Romney and his wife would still have had a higher income tax rate than ...
Times reporter Helene Cooper gave Obama credit for lowering the rhetorical temperature of
the campaign, skipping completely the false and vicious attack from Priorities
USA, an ...
New York Times fashion reporter Cathy Horyn: "The man from Janesville, Wis., was hoisted onto the love
pedestal, a nerd suddenly out of his loafers and into the sex dreams of
Republicans, who ...
The New York Times made do with a 330-word article on page A15, while the Washington Post made the local story a long and more politically detailed off-lead on Thursday morning: "An armed ...
Times reporter turned columnist Eduardo Porter cries out for justice, or at least higher taxes on the middle class, which will apparently lower infant mortality and do all matter of good things ...
Paul Ryan was in a shady meeting with a controversial donor, while Mitt Romney was barely noticed on the campaign trail in the Midwest. Meanwhile, gifted orator Barack Obama was celebrated with a ...
Times columnist Maureen Dowd praises the Paul Ryan pick: "Who better to rain misery upon the heads of millions of Americans?....except that his politics are just a teensy bit heartless....Ryan ...
This marks at least the third time the Times' London reporter has blamed capitalist greed for riotous behavior in the paper's news section: "The Games took place almost exactly a year after riots ...
Times columnist Paul Krugman even goes after colleagues in the media for the respect that "big fraud" Paul Ryan receives, due to "the gullibility and vanity of the news media, in much the same way ...
Times reporter Michael Shear on the Tea Party, August 13: "In fact, the movement has
expanded. Tea Party voters in Texas helped the Senate candidate Ted Cruz
defeat David Dewhurst, the state’s ...