
NYT: The Return of Obama, 'Bold" Basketball Picker Extraordinaire

Last year a New York Times political reporter praised Obama's hoops knowledge. This year a successful presidential pick made the sports section itself. The headline: "N.C. State, President's Pick, ...
Media Research Center

Another Bogus NYT Story Baselessly Assumes Contraception Fight Hurting the GOP

Another phony New York Times story suggesting women's issues like abortion and contraception are hurting the GOP: Reporter Ashley Parker ignores inconvenient findings from the paper's own poll ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Watch Quotes of Note: No Respect for Deceased Andrew Breitbart

Plus former executive editor Bill Keller admits to seeing a liberal slant among his staff, but says a balanced paper would be "tedious" to read, and at least some religions are acceptable targets ...
Media Research Center

NYT Plays Guilt By Association: 'Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance'

Anti-Romney guilt by association in a New York Times headline: "Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance." That would be Bain Capital, which has donated more to Democrats than ...
Media Research Center

More Liberal Hysteria From NYT's Rosenthal: 'The G.O.P. Is Anti-Woman'

New York Times Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal: "Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska got it half right on Tuesday when she told her Republican colleagues that their party was at risk of ...
Media Research Center

Liberal 'Talking Points Memo' Blog Outclasses 'Objective' New York Times in Fact-Checking Obama Speech

The partisan liberal news site Talking Points Memo managed to be tougher on President Obama's speech in Maryland than reporter Mark Landler of the New York Times, fact-checking Obama's claims ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Plays Up GOP Worries Over Women's Issues on Front Page, Buries Anti-Obama Poll Data

In a front-page story, Times reporter Jonathan Weisman sees "grievous" political trouble on the horizon for Republicans over women's issues. But what do the polls show? "Republicans are bracing ...
Media Research Center

Anti-Catholic Ad OK in New York Times, But Similar Anti-Islam Ad Rejected

There's a double standard on religious-bashing ads in the New York Times suggests the Daily Caller's Neil Munro: "Executives at The New York Times have rejected a full-page anti-Islam ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Brian Stelter Labels Rush Limbaugh an 'Offensive Figure'

According to New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter, Rush Limbaugh is an "offensive figure," but race-baiter Al Sharpton is merely a "liberal commentator"? And the paper has yet to mention ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd Meltdown: GOP's 'Insane Bout of Mass Misogyny...To Turn Women Into Chattel'

"In some kind of insane bout of mass misogyny, Republicans are hounding out the women voters --- including Republicans and independents -- who helped them gain control of the House in 2010.The ...
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