Ted Danson: Rush Limbaugh, Religious Right 'Really P--- Me Off'
There's no better example than political commentary from a Hollywood elite to demonstrate how low some conservatives are regarded. According to actor Ted Danson, some conservatives just being manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and organized religion because they're not smart to formulate their own beliefs.
Danson, who has starred in both “Becker” and “Cheers,” appeared on HLN's Nov. 2 “The Joy Behar Show” and was asked to respond to Rush Limbaugh's criticism of Barack Obama on Nov. 1 “Fox News Sunday.” Danson questioned the notion that Limbaugh, who is a self-made success, is really “one of the people.” Instead, he accused him playing on people's fears and anger to make money, which he didn't like.
“The people of the people, Rush, one of us, yeah,” Danson said. “Those are the people that really piss me off, to be honest. I totally understand people who are angry and are fearful. I understand people who church is a huge part of their life. I understand people not wanting their daughters to watch MTV. I understand and have empathy for all those people. The people that come along and make use of those people's fears and insecurities to make money or to make something, a position for them, you know, more palatable, those people are … shame, shame.”
Behar prodded Danson to name people that were guilty of his charge of playing on anger and fear, which he said not only Rush, but also the religious right.
“You know what – pretty much the religious right does that, by and large. You know?” Danson replied.
Behar called them “extremists,” a suggestion Danson agreed with and got Danson to elaborate on how they play on people's fears.
“The people's fears, you totally understand,” Danson said. “I understand that. I understand wanting to go to a mega-church because the rest of your life is tough. You know, I understand all of that, but then you come along and organize those people off of their fears and anger and I think that's too bad.”
Behar also accused those same people of being “encouraged” to vote against their interests and Danson alluded to opposition to a government option of health insurance, suggesting it was being opposed by people it would help.
“Who's going to be able to get the government, what do you call it, with insurance, the government … the public option,” Danson said. “Right, only people who don't have insurance. So people who don't have insurance would rather not – they don't want it.”
Behar's explanation – those in power were in cahoots with big insurance.
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