NBC's Dateline Grills Up Some Liberal Guilt With Your Fireworks Display
Happy birthday, America. You suck. That seems to be the attitude of NBC News. Check out this promo, displayed at the end of
Today this morning, for the July 4th Dateline. Over video of a man in a factory, a woman at a computer terminal, and a woman standing with a cardboard help-me sign by the highway, the announcer intoned:
"Friday - They had good jobs, making good money. But now they've lost almost everything. An American nightmare: The new homeless. All new Dateline Friday."
MSNBC.com modified the promo only slightly. Instead of having "lost almost everything," the story's subjects are "living either at or below the poverty line." The Republicans-are-in, homelessness-is-back story will be reported by John Hockenberry, the liberal former NPR reporter and MSNBC talk-show host.
NBC can't even refrain from their liberal agenda stories on Independence Day, a day to celebrate the opportunities the U.S. presents to all citizens.