MediaWatch: February 1993

Vol. Seven No. 2

"Censored" Stories

"The major media's alleged neglect of scandals during the Reagan and Bush Administrations" topped Project Censored's 1992 list of underreported or "censored" stories, reported Editor & Publisher. Specifically, the 14 judges claimed the media "undercovered such scandals as the saving and loan debacle, the Iran-Contra affair, massacres in El Salvador, and drug dealing by the U.S.-backed Contras in Nicaragua." Judges included former Wall Street Journal reporter Susan Faludi and 20/20 co-host Hugh Downs.

Other top ten finishers: 2) "Corporate Crime Dwarfs Street Crime." 3) "Censored Election Year Issues," such as "homelessness and the death of Iraqi children after the Gulf War." 4) "World's Leading Merchant of Death," calling the U.S. the "world's unchallenged weapons producer and supplier." 7) "Thrashing Federal Regulations for Profit," claiming that after Bush's 210-day moratorium on regulations, "big business reciprocated with campaign contributions."