MediaWatch: January 1988

Vol. Two No. 1

Revolving Door

James Greenfield, Assistant Managing Editor, New York Times, adds Editor, New York Times Magazine to his duties in recent appointment. Greenfield was chief diplomatic correspondent for Time magazine, becoming Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under President Kennedy before promotion to Assistant Secretary of State by President Johnson in 1964. From 1969 to 1977 he served as foreign news editor for the paper of record.

Patricia O'Brien, Press Secretary to Mike Dukakis campaign since April, resigned in Thanksgiving weekend shake-up of campaign. She had been hired by campaign manager John Sasso who was later forced to leave after acknowledging role in Biden tape controversy.

The November 26 Boston Herald reported that the former Knight-Ridder national correspondent "became friendly" with Sasso while covering the 1984 Ferraro campaign which he managed.

Anne Edwards, who joined National Public Radio (NPR) in Washington in March, 1987, promoted to Senior Editor. She directed the Carter White House television office. In 1980 she joined CBS News as a Washington bureau assignment editor, leaving in 1984 to handle press advance work and scheduling for the Mondale-Ferraro presidential effort.

Jeanne Edmunds, deputy to CBS Face the Nation Executive Producer Karen Sughrue, left the show in late November to "pursue independent projects." After working in Democratic politics in Texas, she moved to Washington with the Carter transition team. Soon tiring of politics, she became a guest booker for Mutual's Larry King Show, later doing the same for the CBS Morning News as an Associate Producer.

When named Producer of the Sunday interview program in 1986 she replaced Mary Fifield, Press Secretary in mid-70s for Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis.

Christopher Matthews, top aide to Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill for seven years until O'Neill's retirement a year ago, named Washington Bureau Chief for San Francisco Examiner. He's also started writing a column for the King Features syndicate and will contribute commentaries on the 1988 campaign to the Mutual Broadcasting System. Before joining O'Neill in 1982 Matthews was a speechwriter for President Carter.

Douglas Bennet, President and Chief Executive Officer of NPR, unanimously re-elected by Board of Directors to another one-year term. During his political career Bennet worked for Vice-President Hubert Humphrey, Democratic Senator Tom Eagleton and headed the Agency for International Development under Carter.

WTTG-TV, channel 5 in Washington, launched a weekly "Point-Counterpoint" debate on the 10 O'Clock News. Newsweek correspondent Eleanor Clift serves as the liberal in the Tuesday night debates with conservative syndicated columnist Cal Thomas.