On Wednesday, NBC’s Today devoted nearly 3 minutes to promoting some “never before-seen” photos of the Kennedy family while it gave a mere 18 seconds to Governor Bobby Jindal’s presidential ...
After an uproar, the Associated Press backed down and removed a photo of a gun pointed at the head of Senator Ted Cruz. AP Vice President and Director of Media Relations Paul Colford conceded, ...
In their coverage on Monday night of the calls by South Carolina officials to remove the Confederate flag from the State Capitol’s grounds, the major broadcast networks failed to note the full ...
For years liberals have used a supportive national news media who intimidate anyone who dares question their global-warming agenda. Now these liberals believe Pope Francis has endorsed their ...
A jubilant Chris Matthews hailed Pope Francis's recent comments suggesting that Christians who make a living by manufacturing or selling weapons are hypocrites.
All three network morning shows on Monday ignored the revelation that Jonathan Gruber, an ObamaCare architect who called Americans "stupid," had closer ties than the administration previously let ...