Notable Quotables - 01/26/2009
A Day When Even the Seagulls Were Awed |
"We know that wind can make a cold day feel colder, but can
national pride make a freezing day feel warmer? It seems to be the case because
regardless of the final crowd number estimates, never have so many people
shivered so long with such joy. From above, even the seagulls must have been
awed by the blanket of humanity." "What a day it was. It may take days or years to really absorb the significance
of what happened to America today....When he [Barack Obama] finally emerged, he
seemed, even in this throng, so solitary, somber, perhaps already feeling the
weight of the world, even before he was transformed into the leader of the free
world....The mass flickering of cell phone cameras on the mall seemed like stars
shining back at him." |
After Eight Years of Bush, Finally Some Smart People in Charge |
"Brains are in the ascendancy now, absolutely. They're such a brainy Cabinet." - Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth during NBC's live coverage, January 20. |
A Great Day for Objectivity |
NBC's Al Roker: "You know, Brian, I gotta tell ya, it was a very
emotional trip....I had tears in my eyes...." Anchor Brian Williams: "Al, I'd love to tell you that I have no idea what you're talking about, that everybody here kept their emotions thoroughly in check during the ceremony, but I'd be lying to you, my friend." - Exchange during NBC's live coverage January 20 following Obama's swearing-in. |
Matthews: It's an "Honor" to Cover Obama... |
"This is one of the great opportunities in journalism to cover history in the
face. We're going to see history in the face and when you get up tomorrow
morning I recommend you stay tuned all day because I don't think you're going to
stop seeing history being made....It's going to be the honor of our lifetimes to
be here on the Washington Mall." - MSNBC's Chris Matthews previewing his network's inauguration coverage, January 19 Hardball. |
...And We've Opened Our Hearts to Change |
- Chris Matthews during MSNBC's live coverage of Obama's inauguration, January 20. [Audio/video (1:24): Windows Media (5.08 MB) and MP3 audio (381 kB)] |
Cheney Exiting Like "Dr. Strangelove" |
![]() - NBC's Tom Brokaw during live coverage, January 20. |
Farewell to the Unpopular Dictator |
- NBC's Tom Brokaw during live coverage prior to Obama's inauguration, January 20. [Audio/video (0:37): Windows Media (2.18 MB) and MP3 audio (191 kB)] |
Bush In "Retreat," Like Executed Russian Czar |
MSNBC's Chris Matthews: "Two or three hours from now, we'll have a
brand new President. He will really be the President. Bush will not be
President....It's going to be like the Romanovs, too, and I mean that.
There's a sense here that they are fallen from grace, that they're not
popular, that the whole family will now go into retreat. You have a sense
that the former President Bush already-" Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson: "[It won't] happen exactly like the Romanovs-" Matthews: "It's not like the Romanovs in the end, but there's a sense of retreat here." - Exchange on MSNBC on January 20 about an hour before Obama took the oath of office, referring to the Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family, who were executed after the communist revolution of 1917. |
First on Obama's Agenda: Arrest the War Criminal Bush |
![]() - ABC's George Stephanopoulos to Obama on This Week, January 11. "This country has never succeeded in moving forward without first cleansing
itself of its mistaken past....We compromised with slavery in the Declaration of
Independence, and, fourscore and nine years later, we had buried 600,000 of our
sons and brothers in a civil war....What we have to focus on is getting things
right in the future, as opposed to looking at what we got wrong in the past. And
that means prosecuting all those involved in the Bush administration's torture
of prisoners, and starting at the top." |
Chris Scolds "Hermit Crab" Bush for "Not True" Belief in Freedom |
- MSNBC's Chris Matthews immediately following President Bush's farewell speech, January 15. [Audio/video (3:57): Windows Media (14.78 MB) and MP3 audio (1.39 MB)] |
Press Gets Intimate with Obama |
"I've been reading the pool reports that have been filed by reporters on the
train and they refer to Barack Obama as 'PEBO,' which is short for
'President-elect Barack Obama' and there's an intimacy and a familiarity on that
train, a down-home folksiness, that belies the tremendous hopes that not only
the country, but the whole world, have for him." - Newsweek's Howard Fineman during live MSNBC coverage of Obama's January 17 arrival in Washington, D.C. |
CNN Expected an Inaugural Speech "For the Ages" |
![]() - CNN's Jim Acosta on American Morning, January 13. |
Bush's "Lavish" Inaugural Scolded, But "Go for Glitz" with Obama |
"So you're attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic
election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can
you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention
comfortable and financially viable? To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can.
Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must....And
if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is
good for times like these. 'Just say you're doing it to help the economy,'
chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge." vs. "President Bush's second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars - $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?
"The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do
we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?" |
As Obama Ascends, Horn Honking Ends |
![]() - ABC's David Muir talking about traffic tie-ups associated with Obama's inaugration, January 19 World News. |
Take That, You Rednecks! |
"I just want to say one thing. Having been in the South in the '60s and Los
Angeles, in Watts and northern urban areas, when we were evolving as a country,
I'm thinking of all the bigots and rednecks and people I met along the way. I'm
saying to them, 'Take this.' You know?" - NBC's Tom Brokaw talking about Obama's inauguration on MSNBC's Morning Joe, January 20. |
Slamming War Criminal Bush's "Profoundly Un-American Administration" |
"It [signing a memorandum affirming that the Geneva Convention does not apply to
al-Qaeda terrorists] was his single most callous and despicable act. It stands
at the heart of the national embarrassment that was his presidency....It would
be interesting, just for the fun and justice of it, to subject [ex-Defense
Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld to four hours in a stress position - standing stock
still with his arms extended, naked, in a cold room after maybe two hours'
sleep. But that's not going to happen. Indeed, it seems probable that nothing
much is going to happen to the Bush Administration officials who perpetrated
what many legal scholars consider to be war crimes." - Time's Joe Klein in "The Bush Administration's Most Despicable Act," January 19 issue.
To Fix Problems, Let's "Dial Down" Talk Radio & Blogosphere |
"We have never in my lifetime faced economic crises such as these, and
opportunities....I think this is an extraordinary moment. I guess my passion is
for something to happen to fix these problems, and for dialing down of all of
the sharp criticism that we have on cable talk, on talk radio...the blogosphere.
I just wish that we could find something in the center that would be bipartisan
and would be productive and constructive." - NBC's Andrea Mitchell on PBS's Charlie Rose, January 7. |
Ordinary Demonstrators vs. "Hardline" Demonstrators |
"Demonstrators burn an effigy of U.S. President George W. Bush during a
demonstration outside the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur...." - Reuters photo caption accompanying picture of protest against Israel's move into Gaza, January 9. "Hardline demonstrators burn posters of U.S.
President-elect Barack Obama, during a demonstration in support of the people of
Gaza...." |
Santa Claus Loves Obama |
Obama supporter: "I think they bring diversity. I think they bring a spirit of excellence. I think they bring unity and they bring love. Santa Claus loves them." - MSNBC live coverage, January 19. [Audio/video (0:19): Windows Media (1.04 MB) and MP3 audio (77 kB)] |
After Eight Years of Hell, Celebrating Soulful, Brilliant Obama |
"It's a once-in-a-lifetime situation. The last eight years have been such hell.
We're all so excited about the hope of things to come. I really think that's
part of it. People are so ready to rejoice and celebrate what is hopefully the
return of the foundation of the United States." - Actress Gloria Reuben, as quoted in a January 15 USA Today article. "I've been around him and shook his hand. He's a truly scholarly man. I'm very excited that we have this powerful, intelligent, constitutionally brilliant President. I find him very soulful in private." - Actor Josh Lucas, same article. "I'm calm for the first time in eight years, that somebody is in charge that has such intelligence and grace and is so thoughtful. I feel calm that the country is falling apart, but really that he's in charge now. There's a relief that I feel. After this past administration, I feel really lucky." - Actress Maura Tierney, as quoted in a January 16 USA Today article. "[Barack Obama's] presence is so larger-than-life. I'm so happy my children have a real hero to look up to....For a man as intelligent and charismatic to come along and unite this country....that's really what America is." - Actress Kim Raver, as quoted in the same article. |
"Nightmare" of Bush Ruined Thousands of Lives |
"We've lived through a the past eight years....We're going
through something that we haven't gone through in my life. Foreign policy,
domestic policy - driven to its breaking point. Everything got broken. And the
philosophy that was at the base of the last administration has ruined many, many
people's lives. The deregulation, the idea of the unfettered, free market, the
blind foreign policy. This was a very radical group of people who pushed things
in a very radical direction, had great success at moving things in that
direction, and we are suffering the consequences." - Singer Bruce Springsteen in an interview with producer Mark Hagen published January 18 in Britain's The Observer. |