Notable Quotables - 03/06/1989


The Media and Quayle

"I do not think the public apprehends fully the difference between the reporting journalists did on Dan Quayle, which damaged him politically, and, say, the job George Bush's propagandist Roger Ailes did on Michael Dukakis. The work of the first was guided by certain standards....The work of the latter was utterly without them."
- Baltimore Sun Foreign Editor Richard O'Mara in the February 11 Editor & Publisher.


The Washington Post

"But what's so incredible is that while the Post's reporting is the best in the country...its editorial policy, the tradition of Eugene Meyer and Phil Graham and Alan Barth, has been squandered by the family, and by Meg Greenfield, editorial page editor. I don't know what the paper stands for anymore. It's in a kind of neoconservative bag. It's really sad that it's no longer a voice for the kind of compassionate, libertarian viewpoint."
- Carl Bernstein quoted in the March Vanity Fair.


Oliver North

"Defense contends North was deserted"
- Washington Times, February 22.

"North Flouted Law, Court Told: NSC Aide a 'Fall Guy,' Defense Counters as Iran-Contra Trial Begins"
- Washington Post, same day.


Capital Gains Tax Cut

"If you lower the tax rates for investors, everyone will prosper, or at least that's the philosophy that President Bush, and a lot of wealthy people espouse. This would be achieved in the form of lower capital gains taxes, and everyone would prosper, if it weren't for the fact that a lot of people believe it won't work."
- Connie Chung on NBC Nightly News, February 18.


Cuban Human Rights

"Cuba watchers hail U.N. report on rights abuses"
- Washington Times, February 27.

"U.N. Finds Some Gain in Cubans' Rights"
- New York Times, day before.



"By giving them the weapons, we not only prolong the war, but we created a political condition which made it less likely, much harder, to achieve a settlement."
- Richard Barnet of the Institute for Policy Studies, on the February 14 CBS Evening News.


David Duke

"The Republican Party has threatened to censure Duke because of his past association with the Klan and Nazi groups, but one independent political analyst says the Bush presidential campaign created a climate which helped elect Duke."
- Reporter Kenley Jones on the February 20 NBC Nightly News.


Tax Increase

"The borrow-and-spend policies that Ronald Reagan presided over have bequeathed to his chosen successor a downsized presidency devoid of the resources to address long neglected domestic problems. The Bush campaign strategists-with the candidate's active complicity-burdened the new President with an obdurated stance on taxes."
- Reporters Michael Duffy and Richard Hornik in Time, February 20.


Reagan Administration

"Into second-rate company, Baker brought a first-rate mind."
- Caption for picture of James Baker with Ronald Reagan in February 13 Time cover story on Baker.


Bush Administration Ethics

"The President defended the legality and benign intent of his aide [C. Boyden Gray], showing the same kind of myopia toward one of his own that got Ronald Reagan in trouble."
- Reporters Michael Duffy and Richard Hornik, February 20 Time.



"How did a tiny country with the most unstable political system in Central America become the longest running, most damaging foreign policy controversy of the Reagan years? Banana Diplomacy explains how it happened, re-creating the actions and players behind the Reagan Administration's inconsistent, ineffective, and usually deceptive policies toward Nicaragua. Roy Gutman, Newsday's national security correspondent, reveals how Reagan's Nicaraguan obsession exemplifies his administration's flawed foreign policy."
- from jacket of Gutman's book, Banana Diplomacy.



"Though there's been a lot of economic change in China, there hasn't been any political change, there hasn't been any movement toward democracy."
- CBS reporter Bruce Morton on the February 24 Evening News.

"This is a vastly different China. A huge portrait of Mao still hangs from the front gate of the Forbidden City. Mao's successor's have kept the picture, but discarded the policies."
- Dan Rather, the next day.


East German Glasnost

"Erich Honecker spent 10 years in Nazi prisons for his communist beliefs. That imprisonment helps explain the veteran East German leader's resistance to glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring). Honecker's personal history also explains his reluctance to abandon central planning and expensive subsidies. As a young communist, he developed a hatred for the inequalities of the capitalist system."
- Christian Science Monitor staff writer William Echikson, February 24.


- L. Brent Bozell III; Publisher
- Brent H. Baker, Tim Graham, Marc S. Ryan; Editors
- Jim Heiser, Jay Marois, Patrick Swan, Dorothy Warner; Media Analysts
- Cynthia Bulman; Administrative Assistant