Notable Quotables - 08/02/1993


Erroneous Reagan Reasoning

"But how is it that Mr. Reagan could make compromises on the way to his goals and be remembered as a man of principle, while Mr. Clinton does the same and becomes known as a compromiser? Mr. Reagan did not just get away with compromises. He got away with whoppers - huge, erroneous statements about how Reaganomics would produce simultaneous growth and deficit reduction."
- New York Times reporter Thomas Friedman, July 25 "Week in Review" section.


Hillary The Centrist?

"Myth: Hillary takes her cues from Marx (and it ain't Groucho) and is at the core of a secret radical coven....Conspiracy buffs will have to work overtime to find a Cuban connection in Hillary's advocacy of child-immunization programs...Her answers, numbingly cautious as they were, reflected nothing so much as her irresistible pull to the magnetic center."
- Former Time Senior Writer Walter Shapiro, August Esquire.


Clinton's Condom Queen: Absolutely Right

"What people are really after her for is her views, and the religious right is fueling a lot of this. Her central pre-occupation is that 80 percent of the poverty in this country is caused by children having children that they can't bring up, and she's absolutely right. She's not encouraging promiscuity. She's encouraging us to face up to this society as it is."
- Newsweek reporter Eleanor Clift on Surgeon General nominee Joycelyn Elders, July 17 McLaughlin Group.


Irresponsible Republicans

"Whatever budget gets passed seems certain to pass without a single Republican vote. That is beyond politics, that's obstinance. Is it going to wind up hurting the Republicans?"
- Bryant Gumbel, July 14 Today.

"The leadership of the Republican Party in the House has one purpose in this session and it has nothing to do with legislation. It has to do with tearing down the Democratic majority. It has to do with a slash-and-burn strategy. It is, I believe, very destructive."
- U.S. News & World Report Senior Writer Steven Roberts on C-SPAN, July 26.


Reno for President

"Janet Reno could be the next President of the United States. She's doing such a fabulous job and even people who came out and were ready to be very critical of her, extremely critical of her, just love her."
- Fox Broadcasting reporter Gloria Moraga, July 9 Fox Morning News.


Time for a Prohibitive Gas Tax - Again!

"The real story is the proposed gas tax is far too low...There's only one problem with the 4.3 cents-per-gal. gas tax the Senate has proposed: it's too little...Where it says 4.3 cents, they should add two words: a year. And maybe a third word: forever. For decades, we'd still be paying vastly less for gas than our competitors (in Europe and Asia, gas goes for nearly $4 per gal.). For decades, the hike in the tax would be more or less canceled out by available improvements in fuel efficiency - so it would cost no more to drive a mile."
- Time "Money Angles" columnist Andrew Tobias, July 26 issue.


The Military: A Sensual Gay Experience

"Many GIs recognized homosexual leanings for the first time in the all-male surroundings....There is, in fact, an undercurrent of homoerotic tension in the shared latrines, shower rooms, and sleeping quarters of barracks life....The military exalts masculinity in ways that are frankly or implicitly sexual. A form-fitting dress uniform can make a leatherneck look like a peacock."
- Newsweek Senior Writer David Gelman, July 26.


Clear Clinton?

"Since he's been President, Mr. Clinton has made it clear where he wants to go on policy, but sometimes he's had trouble bringing others along. That's been true of his tax policy and his strategy on Bosnia."
- ABC reporter Ann Compton on Good Morning America, July 5.


No Crime Under Communism

"In this part of the world, we applaud freedom and democracy and for the most part we applaud the accumulation of wealth. We also know that all of these can and do cause problems, crime being one of them. For other countries where democracy, as we know it, was virtually unknown, uncommon as well were the negatives. Take the former Soviet Union. We may not have been privy really to a great deal of information from the Soviet bloc, but crime didn't seem to be much on anybody's mind. Well, not any more."
- ABC World News Now anchor Thalia Assuras, July 26.


Bashing Brit Hume

"In asking his windy, insensitive, and celebrated Rose Garden zigzag question in June, Brit Hume assumed the mantle of [Sam] Donaldsonism....Whatever Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg had in mind when she was presented by Clinton to the public, surely a ceremony she must have imagined as one of the crowning moments of her life, Hume saw himself as more important. In fact, he will be as remembered for the event as the future justice."
- Former CBS Morning News Executive Producer Jon Katz in Rolling Stone, August 19.


And Bert Lance Symbolized the '70s

"Charles Keating flashed a grin moments before being sentenced to 12 and a half years for looting his Lincoln Savings and Loan and defrauding elderly bondholders. Many of them felt the man who came to symbolize '80s greed got off too easy."
- CNN reporter Anne McDermott, July 8 World News.


The Hungry '80s

"Widespread hunger in the United States was virtually eliminated in the 1970s, according to Brown, but hunger increased dramatically and steadily during the 1980s. To put it simply, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer."
- Boston Globe reporter/photographer Stan Grossfeld citing left-wing Tufts researcher Larry Brown, July 25.


All For Abortion

"On the subject of abortion, where do you stand on the choice versus anti-choice issue?"
- Hugh Downs interviewing Barry Goldwater on 20/20, July 23.

"The city editor stepped in. Minus a few descriptive words, here's the essence of what he said: Look, the pro-choice people are pro-choice. The people who say they're pro-life aren't really pro-life. They're nothing but a bunch of hypocritical right-wing religious fanatics, and we'll call them whatever we want to call them."
- Scripps-Howard religion columnist Terry Mattingly on a Rocky Mountain News editor answering Mattingly's questions about labeling of the abortion battle, July/August Quill.


- L. Brent Bozell III; Publisher
- Brent H. Baker, Tim Graham; Editors
- Andrew Gabron, Kristin Johnson, Steve Kaminski, Mark Rogers; Media Analysts
- Kathleen Ruff, Circulation Manager;
- David Felton, David Muska; Interns