Notable Quotables - 10/01/1990


Silber 1, Media 0

"A firestorm of controversy over the latest 'shocker' from Boston University president-on-leave John Silber has seemingly doomed his challenge to former state Attorney General Francis X. Bellotti for the Democratic nomination."
- Washington Post political reporter David Broder after Silber referred to "drug addicts" in a poor area of Boston, September 14 Post. Four days later Silber won by 10 points.

"Whether Silber is right about any or all of this doesn't matter. What does matter is that Silber once had a golden opportunity to be Governor of Massachusetts and today might have a difficult time beating Dukakis if he were running."
- Boston Globe TV critic Ed Siegel after Silber reacted angrily to media attack on his comments, September 13 Globe.

"It was an extraordinary performance, almost as sensational and ruinous as the acts of Buddhist monks in Saigon who once set themselves on fire in front of cameras in an ultimate statement of protest. By reaching a white-hot intensity, Silber probably frightened away voters who represented his last possibility to win new support."
- Boston Globe reporter Curtis Wilkie, same day.

Wounded Himself to Victory

"In the governor's race, Silber gave a voice to the more conservative and disaffected Democrats but wounded himself repeatedly through a series of intemperate remarks, most recently last week when he compared the residents of a predominantly black area of Boston to a 'group of drug addicts', then refused to apologize."
- Washington Post Boston correspondent Christopher Daly, the day after the primary.


Calling for Gorby to Resign?

"Moscow protesters call for Gorbachev to quit"
- Boston Herald, September 17.

"Ryzhkov urged to resign at pro-Gorbachev rally"
- Boston Globe, same day.


Civil Rights Mean Abortion Rights

"Although warmly received by the committee, Souter's testimony did little to allay the fears of some civil rights leaders."
- ABC legal correspondent Tim O'Brien introducing soundbite of National Abortion Rights Action League leader Kate Michelman, September 13 World News Tonight.


David Souter: Nerd or Neanderthal?

"Supreme Court nominee David Souter wants the world to stop viewing him as a nerd. Senate Democrats want to know if, instead, Souter is a neanderthal - a mean-spirited conservative bent on wrecking constitutional protections for women, minorities, and accused criminals."
- Beginning of September 13 USA Today cover story by legal reporter Tony Mauro.


George Bush's America

"Bush may have the 'vision thing' when it comes to foreign policy, a clear idea of what he likes to call a 'new world order.' But he hasn't shown much vision when it comes to solving the domestic problems of a racially divided and drug-ridden country on the verge of a recession."
- Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas and reporter Ann McDaniel, September 24.


Which Way Albania?

"Attempting to defect will no longer be a severely punishable offense, but will be known as 'border trespass,' subject only to a minor penalty. And the death penalty, now applied to 34 offenses, will be retained only for those that involve direct 'betrayal' of the communist state and the social order."
- Christian Science Monitor correspondent Eric Bourne, September 12.

"A reminder from Eastern Europe today that not all has changed. In Albania today, border guards shot and killed a four-year-old girl when they opened fire on a group of Albanians trying to cross into Yugoslavia. Albania is the last of the totalitarian states in Eastern Europe."
- Peter Jennings on World News Tonight, same day.


Capital Gains Hostility

"The Republicans are pushing for a capital gains tax cut, which would help the wealthy. The Democrats are saying that they are tired of tax breaks for the wealthy. They're tired of tax policy that would hurt the middle class. And that's where you see the two parties divided....During the past 8 years, the Reagan Administration had this David Stockman trickle-down philosophy....That's been a dominant philosophy in Washington and it hasn't helped. That is what led us to the fiscal situation that we find ourselves in today, and [Democrats] have just drawn the line. They aren't going to take it anymore."
- Time reporter Nancy Traver on the MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, September 19.

>"With the budget negotiations in full swing, Bush might have used the Persian Gulf crisis, and its attendant spike in popularity, to defuse the gathering force of the progressivity issue by pointing to the new burden and calling for sacrifice from those most able to shoulder it. Instead, he chose to make one last run at a supply-side capital gains tax cut - more than 80 percent of which would accrue to Americans who earn $100,000 or more."
- Washington Post political reporter Paul Taylor in a Sunday "Outlook" section article, September 16.

"Negotiators for President Bush and Congress are still debating tonight what to do about the national debt. The latest sticking point: President Bush's insistence on cutting the capital gains tax for mostly wealthy Americans."
- Dan Rather on the September 18 CBS Evening News.

"No one would argue...with his insistence that the mix of spending cuts and tax hikes 'must be fair; all should contribute.' But when the President got to specifics, fairness became scarce. In the name of promoting economic growth, Bush renewed his support of six tax giveaways that would cost the Treasury an estimated $30 billion over five years. The most notable of these would cut the maximum levy on capital gains from 33% to 15%."
- Time Deputy Washington Bureau Chief Laurence Barrett, September 24.


Saddam's Staged Support

"In his speech, Mr. Bush tried to drive a wedge between Saddam and his people. But it may have backfired. When the broadcast was over, thousands were on the street denouncing the American President and praising Saddam. The fact that these rallies are staged does not mean Saddam lacks genuine support, and by attacking him, President Bush could very well have strengthened the garrison mentality of a nation that takes pride in standing up against its enemy."
- CBS reporter Bert Quint, September 17 Evening News.


Touche, Mr. Toupee

Sam Donaldson: "Senator, you're from the great textile-producing state of South Carolina. Is it true you have a Korean tailor?"
Sen. Ernest Hollings: "Well, I tell you the truth, I think I got that suit, this is not the one, but the same place right down the street where - if you want to personalize this thing - where you got that wig, Sam."
- Exchange on This Week with David Brinkley, September 16.


- L. Brent Bozell III; Publisher
- Brent H. Baker, Tim Graham; Editors
- Callista Gould, Jim Heiser, Marian Kelley, Gerard Scimeca; Media Analysts
- Kristin K. Bashore; Administrative Assistant