Notable Quotables - 10/16/1989


Homeless Hype I

"Spring-like temperatures on a Fall day made for a carnival-like atmosphere, but an occasional chilly breeze forewarned that winter is on the way and three million Americans have no place to call home."
- Candy Crowley on CNN PrimeNews, October 7.


Homeless Reality I

"In 1988, the National Academy of Sciences discovered 650,000 homeless in the nation; the Urban Institute found 570,000....In 1988, the General Accounting Office reviewed 22 city studies and found 300,000 to 600,000 as the national parameters. All are about one-fifth the hyped estimates."
- Economics columnist Warren Brookes in The Washington Times, October 5.


Homeless Hype II

"They came here to Washington from all over the country: the rich, the famous, the ordinary, the down-and-out. They staged the biggest rally in behalf of the homeless since the Reagan Revolution forced severe cutbacks in government housing programs."
- John Martin anchoring ABC's Weekend Report, October 7.


Homeless Reality II

"If you will look at the official Historical Tables of the U. S. Budget on pages 70 and 72, you will find direct "Housing Assistance" (Item 604) has risen from $5.6 billion in 1980 to $15.3 billion in 1989, up 172 percent. And if you will look at pages 86 and 87, you will find that total HUD outlays have risen from $12.7 billion in 1980 to $20.4 billion in 1989, a rise of 60 percent, nearly double the inflation rate."
- Brookes, October 5.


Harvard Education

"I'm not saying I'm a Communist, but everything I am I learned at Harvard."
- Alejandro Bendana, Secretary General of the Sandinista Ministry of Foreign Affairs , as quoted by National Review, October 13.


Rebuffed Helms Wins

"Exasperated Senators Rebuff Helms: His Art, Internee Amendments Lose"
- September 30 Washington Post, front page, column one.

"Obscenity Measure Approved: Conference Panel Agrees on Diluted Helms Amendment"
- Same paper, same day, same page, column two.

Faked Footage Stonewalling

"I can't for the life of me understand why CBS has a policy of not commenting on stories. And of all organizations, I think it shows a particular arrogance to assume that your organization is immune from criticism and you ought not respond. We're in the business of soliciting response. Why in the world Rather isn't on your show tonight talking about this I don't know."
- WNBC-TV anchor Chuck Scarborough on CNN's Larry King Live to talk about charges CBS aired faked footage of Afghan rebels, September 29.


Don't Blame the User

"Portland, Oregon is trying a limited ban on cheap, fortified wines combined with more aggressive programs to take drunks off the streets and treat them. But here, as in other cities, the public is left to find its own solutions. The companies that make the cheap wines take the profits; homeless alcoholics and the communities they live in pay the price."
- Reporter Cassandra Clayton on NBC Nightly News, Sept. 18.


Capital Gains Tax Cut

"Bill Me Later: Once again, Washington chooses voodoo economics over responsibility"
- Time headline, October 9 issue.

"Many Congressmen bought the Administration argument that a tax cut would spur business investment, creating more jobs and prosperity for everybody. In theory the lure of a lightly taxed payoff will tempt investors to put up money for risky ventures. Economists have long disputed whether that is true, but it remains an article of faith among conservatives."
- Time Senior Writer George J. Church, October 9.

"Budget director Richard Darman's dream of a far-reaching deal to solve the deficit crisis is becoming a nightmare as his President leads the charge in creating a tax break rather than confront a tax increase."
- Eleanor Clift in Newsweek, October 9.


Soviet Threat

Mike Wallace: "Lately, the Soviets claim to have undergone a major change in their military strategy, from emphasizing offense to defense...Then General Mosaif made a remarkable statement."
Soviet General: "We have never regarded the United States as the enemy of the Soviet Union. And we do not regard any possible scenario which would involve unleashing conventional warfare or nuclear warfare from Moscow against the United States."
- from 60 Minutes, September 17.


Civilized Police State

Reporter Bob Abernethy: "Gorbachev's new freedoms have revived old ethnic rivalries and triggered demands for independence. What should Moscow do?"
Vyacheslov Styopin, Philosopher: "If bloodletting starts, if clashes begin between people, troops have to be brought in. That's how it's done in all civilized countries."
- NBC Nightly News, September 19.


Labeling in Arts

"The dinner guests rose to their feet in a spontaneous, prolonged standing ovation for the Illinois Democrat-the foremost advocate for the arts in Congress-to whom members of the arts community have turned for support against the reactionary art stands of Sen. Jesse Helms."
- Washington Post "Personalities" columnist Chuck Conconi, October 6.


Flag Amendment

"The Constitution needs to be amended all right - not to prevent burning of the flag, but to prevent politicians from wrapping themselves in it. Should we be surprised at such an outlandish and all-out assault on free speech? Not really. The urge to purge the other fellow's thoughts is rampant these days."
- Paul McMasters, Deputy Editorial Director of USA Today, in the September Quill.


- L. Brent Bozell III; Publisher
- Brent H. Baker, Tim Graham; Editors
- Jim Heiser, Stewart Verdery, Dorothy Warner; Media Analysts
- Allison Dyer; Administrative Assistant