As the Clinton Foundation scandal simmers, NBC travels to Africa to tout the "heartwarming" stories of the Foundation's good works, while CBS belittles the scandals as "distractions" and "noise." ...
Even as her scandals compound, Time prints a ridiculous, over-the-top tribute to Hillary Clinton: "She is one of America's greatest modern creations." And, left-wing journalists attempt to justify ...
Reporters attempt to manufacture excitement over how newly-declared Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton used Twitter, rode around in a van and ate lunch at a Chipotle ("fun and new," opined ...
Liberal reporters welcomed Ted Cruz to the 2016 presidential race by blasting him as "hardline," "right-wing," "radical," "dumb," "scary," "dangerous" and "slimy" -- all in the first 24 hours. ...
The New York Times laughably says Hillary Clinton's "toughest foe" in 2016 will be the news media, even as CBS anchor Scott Pelley scoffs at the "hyperventilating" over the ex-Secretary of State's ...
Journalists lash out at ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani after he says he doesn't think Obama loves America, calling that "hateful" "crap," even as Bloomberg's Mark Halperin agrees Democrats have said ...
After a federal judge delays implementation of President Obama's executive amnesty for as many as 5 million illegal immigrants, the networks frame it as "a historic day... on hold," and a ruling ...
As they do every election year, journalists instruct the GOP to ignore conservatives if they want to have any hope of winning, while others in the media seize on the measles outbreak to slam ...
As President Obama gives his State of the Union address, NBC's Brian Williams touts the "generosity" of his plan for "free college for millions," even as NBC morning host Matt Lauer slaps the ...
Longtime ABC anchor Barbara Walters pushes conservative philanthropist David Koch to stay out of politics: “Do you think it’s fair that just because you have billions of dollars, you can influence ...