ABC is Proud of Anti-Christian Bigot Rosie ODonnell

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ALEXANDRIA, VA Brian Frons, president of daytime programming for Disney-ABC, said that the network had an amazing year with Ms. ODonnell and hopes to entice Rosie back next year and if were lucky to guest co-host once in a while. In the same statement, Barbara Walters said she can only be grateful to her [Rosie] for this year, and hopes that Ms. ODonnell will be back with us often next season as a guest host.

How proud of Rosie should ABC be?

  • Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America. (The View, 9/12/06)

  • You know what concerns me? How many Supreme Court justices are Catholics? Five. How about separation of church and state in America? (The View, 4/19/07)

  • If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. (The View, 4/19/07)

  • Dont fear the terrorists. Theyre mothers and fathers. (The View, 11/9/06)

  • South Africas racist apartheid was very similar to what we have in the United States, thanks to the Patriot Act. (The View, 10/24/06)

  • Christopher Reeve died without hope because of the religious separation lack of separation of church and state by this administration. (The View, 6/7/05)

  • I really hope the Catholic Church gets sued until the end of time. Maybe, you know, we can melt down some of the gold toilets in the Popes Vatican and pay off some of the lawsuits because, you know, frankly, the whole tenet of Christianity, of being pious, of living a Christ-like life, has been lost in Catholicism. (MSNBCs Donahue, 2/24/03)

Rosie ODonnell is a disgusting anti-Catholic/anti-Christian bigot, said Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. Her own hateful comments prove that she despises Christian morality in general and the Catholic Church in particular. ABC gave her its broadcast-soapbox for a year and now says it is proud and grateful for her bigoted rants and hopes to have her back as a co-host. Whos worse, ODonnell or her enabler, ABC?

Read More: Profile in Bias - Rosie O'Donnell's Left-Wing Ravings


o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.