Bozell: Moyers Vicious, Outrageos Charge Against Ken Tomlinson Just Another Newsweek/CBS-Type Smear - Press Release - May 17, 2005 - Media Research Center

Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement
regarding the Public Broadcasting Systems production and airing of TV
commercials nationwide that call on viewers to lobby Congress for more
PBS funding.
Now that PBSs overwhelming liberal bias is well-documented and under the microscope, Congress has wisely decided to cut PBSs funding. In defiance of Congress, PBS, using taxpayers money, has produced and is airing highly deceptive TV commercials that warn about threats to children and Clifford the Red Dog, said Mr. Bozell.
This is outrageous, and is one more example of how far liberal media bureaucrats will go to spend the money of hard-working Americans to promote ideas and programming that are political to the core, and contrary to the basic values of the majority of Americans.
Shows like Sesame Street and Clifford are not threatened. They are multi-million-dollar enterprises, fully capable of success in the marketplace. PBS was launched 38 years ago with supposed seed money to get it going. Since then, it has spent some $7 billion in seed money - provided by taxpayers and produced a litany of liberal-left programs sprinkled with some decent kids shows to give it a respectable veneer. Its time to end the media welfare program that is PBS.
For an extensive resource on PBSs liberally biased programming, see the Media Research Centers Web site,
To schedule an interview with Brent Bozell or an MRC spokesperson,
please contact Tim Scheiderer at 703.683.5004 x. 126