VA - While filling-in for Regis Philbin on Live with Regis and
Kelly today, Bryant Gumbel actually boasted about once calling
conservative culture-critic Robert Knight a f***ing idiot (Gumbel
used the actual word) at the end of a June 29, 2000 interview on
CBSs The Early Show about whether gays should work as
scoutmasters in the Boy Scouts. (Mr. Knight, then with the Family
Research Council, is now the director of the MRCs Culture and Media
After the first incident, the Media Research Center called on Mr.
Gumbel to apologize. He remained silent. His employer, CBS,
incredulously claimed that they did not know what Mr. Gumbel had
said, although the incident was captured on videotape on live
television. In his comment today, Mr. Gumbel expanded on the insult,
Gumbel: One time I was doing an interview with Im going
to kindly describe him as a gentleman and he was arguing about how
gays should be kept out of the Boy Scouts, etcetera, and he was
infuriating me. And I finished the interview and I thought we had
gone to commercial and we hadnt, and I said what a blank-ing
idiot. I was correct, but it was wrong to do.
Concerning Mr. Gumbels remarks, MRC President Brent Bozell issued
the following statement:
Bryant Gumbel is a crude, left-wing reporter who has now confirmed
what we documented and CBS denied for seven yearsCBS claimed it is
unclear what the comment wasand for which Mr. Gumbel refused to
apologize. Mr. Gumbels words and lack of decency and decorum, then
and now and as confirmed on the broadcast today, show that he is
grossly biased and sees absolutely nothing wrong in smearing people
he disagrees with politically as blankety-blank idiots.
Robert Knight, and the audience, deserved an apology back in 2000
from Mr. Gumbel and CBS, and they certainly deserve one today from
Mr. Gumbel. In this age of Don Imus and belittling of people for
political reasons, the lewdness on the left needs to be challenged
and rejected by all Americans, most notably by those in the media.
We once again call upon Bryant Gumbel to apologize publicly for his
crass comments and we also call upon CBS to correct the record,
which it has stonewalled for so long.
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.