Media Research Center to Announce The Best Notable Quotables of 2003, The 16th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting - Press Release - December 11, 2003 - Media Research Center

Media Research Center to Announce The Best Notable Quotables of 2003, The 16th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting
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ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Next Wednesday, December 17, the Media Research Center will announce The Best Notable Quotables of 2003, The 16th Annual Awards for the Years Worst Reporting. The winners will be selected by a national panel of more than 40 judges and the results will be posted on the Media Research Center website ( on the 17th. Awards will be presented in the following 16 categories.

  • Baghdad Bob Award for Parroting Enemy Propaganda

  • Dominique de Villepin Snottiness Award for Whining About The War

  • Pompous Peter Award for Jennings' Arrogant Condescension

  • Romanticizing the Rabble Award (For Glorifying Protesters)

  • Good Morning Morons Award

  • Media Suck-Up Award

  • Al Franken Cheap Shot Award (For Lambasting Rush Limbaugh)

  • Bill Moyers (Subsidized) Sanctimony Award

  • Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award For Celebrity Vapidity

  • Begala & Carville Prize For Demonizing Bush

  • Invisible Liberal Award For Camouflaging Ideology

  • Media Millionaires For Higher Taxes Award

  • Fruitless Plains of Poverty Award

  • Damn Those Conservatives Award

  • Politics of Meaninglessness Award For The Silliest Analysis

  • What Liberal Media? Award

To schedule an interview with a Media Research Center spokesperson contact Katie Wright at (703)-683-5004, ext. 132.