MRC Press Release - Bozell: Bill Keller Must Go

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ALEXANDRIA, VA - Knuckling under to the complaint of a single unidentified person, leading radio industry magazine Radio & Records has withdrawn its lifetime achievement award from conservative talk radio legend Bob Grant. The award was to be presented at their convention in Washington, D.C. this March.

Heading up a panel of talk show hosts at the conference, and the host of his own syndicated radio talk show Keepin' It Real, is Reverend Al Sharpton, who has made racist remarks the veritable hallmark of his career. Sharpton has never been called to account for or faced any negative repercussions as a result of any of them. Nor has he apologized for them or the many lives he has destroyed.

Grant was fired due to some racially insensitive remarks he made in the 1990s, and they probably cost him an opportunity for a syndicated radio deal. He has since expressed repeatedly and profusely his regret for the things he said.

L. Brent Bozell, III, President of the Media Research Center, was floored by the duplicity.

"Al Sharpton, the man who gave us the phrase 'white interloper', the Crown Heights racial riots and the phantom racism of the Tawana Brawley incident is just fine by Radio and Records standards, but Bob Grant is not?

"Bob Grant said some terrible things. He was penalized and disciplined for them at the time, and it was more than appropriate that he was. But he has apologized nearly ceaselessly since, and paid an ongoing terrible career price for his actions.

"Al Sharpton has never apologized to anyone, and continued on unabated to reach Democrat Presidential candidate heights and achieve television and radio stardom.

"Bob Grant was nearly sunk by his comments; Al Sharpton, who has said AND DONE far worse than anything Bob has merely said, continues his rise unscathed by disdain or scrutiny.

"This is not about Bob Grant. This is about Bob Grant and Al Sharpton. If Bob Grant is deemed to be outside Radio and Records' bounds, there is absolutely no way Al Sharpton can be in them."

To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson,
please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.