ALEXANDRIA, VA - Rumors and allegations have now become headlines in the left-wing "news" media as evidenced by the continued personal smear campaign being waged against GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The left-wing media continue to attack her, attack her husband, and even her children, culling their stories from the likes of the Daily Kos and the Huffington Post. In her speech to the delegates in Minnesota, Palin directly pushed back against their elitism. The crowd roared their approval as did millions of Americans watching on TV. This is how the left-wing press responded:
• "I hope my colleagues stand strong in this case. ... The attempts by the McCain campaign to bully us into not reporting such things are not only stupidly aggressive, but unprofessional in the extreme." - Time's Joe Klein
• ABC's Nightline devoted a six-minute story to "new details tonight [Wednesday] on a brewing controversy in Alaska," a "nasty family scandal that's come to be called trooper-gate."
• "Sarah Palin often identifies herself simply as Christian... Yet John McCain's running mate has deep roots in Pentecostalism, a spirit-filled Christian tradition that is one of the fastest growing in the world. It's often derided by outsiders and Bible-believers alike." - Associated Press 9/4/08
• "This is a political tactic on their part. And the shorthand is, 'Let's go after the media.' And are they sorting out, for example, Fox or conservative blogs or others who have, in fact, been defending all of this?" - NBC's Tom Brokaw
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell-
"The media are taking cues from the sleeze-meisters at the Daily Kos and the Huffington Post. The journalists at NBC, CNN and all the others are making absolute fools out of themselves. CNN's Soledad O'Brien had the nerve to disavow any knowledge of a bias on her network against the Republican vice presidential candidate. They are completely biased in their fervor to see their hero and savior Barack Obama become the next president. In their coverage of Governor Palin, they have gone after her in a manner usually reserved for the tabloids. Nothing is off limits. Even her 4 month old son and 17 year old daughter are being dragged into this sordid media mess. They aren't running or campaigning for anything.
"These vicious attacks are going to backfire-I guarantee you that. The Obama camp will rue the day it got this kind of 'help,'" Bozell concluded.
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