MTVs New Bisexual Reality Show: MTV Continues to be Top Media Corruptor of Teens

VA Viacoms MTV has announced it purchased 10 episodes of a
bisexual dating show featuring MySpace star Tila Tequila. The show,
A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila, will premiere on MTV October
9th. The show features 16 straight guys and 16 lesbians vying for
Ms. Tequila. According to MTV, Ms. Tequila is a bisexual.
Culture and Media Institute director Robert Knight has condemned
MTVs move to further pollute the minds of young Americans.
MTV continues to be the top media corruptor of teens by advocating
promiscuity, violence, gore, an attitude of disrespect, and
irresponsibility. This show brings the network to a new low in
promoting lewd behavior as a possible way to start a relationship,
Knight said.
Knight continued, Most young people do not realize how they are
being sexually exploited at the expense of so-called
entertainment. Its a perfect example of why Americans need cable
choice. Why should parents have to pay for a channel that is openly
trying to corrupt and confuse their kids? MTV would wither if it
wasnt shoved in the face of virtually every cable consumer.
MTV is ignoring the survey it did with AP and released in August,
which said the majority of teens want to be married, have kids and
they put family life and spirituality at the top of what makes them
happy. MTVs executives have tossed aside personal responsibility.
They are more concerned about ad dollars than teens suffering from
heartbreak, STDs and drug problems as a result of pursuing MTVs
idea of the good life, said Kristen Fyfe, CMI senior writer, in her
The MTV Disconnect.
In 2004, the Parents Television Council reviewed 171 hours of MTV
programming finding 1,548 scenes contained 3,056 depictions of sex
or various forms of nudity. Ratings indicate that up to 75 percent
of teens watch MTV.
o schedule an interview with Robert Knight, Kristen Fyfe or another CMI spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.