Review of Columns Authored by New New York Times Executive Editor Reveals Hyperbolic Liberalism - Press Release - July 14, 2003 - Media Research Center

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today expressed concern over the New York Times' naming of columnist Bill Keller as the newspaper's new executive editor. A review of Keller's writings, released today by the MRC's Times Watch project, reveals him to just as liberal - perhaps even more so - than his predecessor Howell Raines who resigned in disgrace.
Mr. Keller's writings are indistinguishable from the hyperbolic liberalism coming from the most left-wing Democratic presidential candidates. The essential question - can Keller erect an effective firewall between his personal liberalism and professional responsibilities? - has yet to be answered. But if he fails, the paper's credibility may worsen beyond repair, Bozell said.
A Sampling Of Kellers Liberalism
Indistinguishable From A Democratic Presidential Candidate Weve got a [Bush] administration characterized by blind faith in crony capitalism, a drunken spendthrifts version of supply-side economics, and a secretive, country-club executive style. The people-versus-the-powerful sloganeering was grating, but on the merits wasnt Mr. Gore right? Keller column, 8/10/02.
Equating Bush and Saddam Hussein In a different world, [Iraq] might be a case for the new International Criminal Court, but the United States does not recognize its authority. (Neither does Iraq. In their scorn for international justice, Mr. Bush and Saddam Hussein were in full agreement.) Keller column, 5/3/03.
Anti-Religious Bigotry Most recently, the presidents reluctance to offend Senator Rick Santorum a Catholic theocrat who believes that states should have the power to arrest gay lovers in their bedrooms, or even to criminalize couples who use contraceptives was an occasion to wonder what, exactly, Mr. Bush was born-again into. Keller column, 5/17/03.
To see the entire collection of Keller quotes go to, and to schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell, or another MRC spokesperson, contact Katie Wright at (703)-683-5004, ext. 132.