Although the bombing of the Boston Marathon rightfully commanded much of the media's attention last week, the Big Three broadcast networks still found time for a host of superficial and ...
Over twenty prominent leaders of the conservative
movement have joined Media Research Center President Brent Bozell in demanding
the broadcast networks stop censoring coverage of the trial of ...
to a new Media Research Center report, ABC, CBS, and NBC are refusing to
report Democratic Sen. Harry Reid’s indefensible implication on the Senate
floor yesterday that tiny sequester ...
As reported by NewsBusters, on Monday the Pew Research Center releaseda devastating study confirming that MSNBC is not a news network. According to its sample from 2012, MSNBC only committed 15% ...
ALEXANDRIA, VA – In spite of the dishonest,
over-the-top fear-mongering perpetrated by the Obama Administration and its
willing friends in the liberal media, the sky did not fall on Friday.
Over Presidents’ Day weekend. five massive Media Research Center (MRC) billboards totaling 3,800 square feet were erected in New York City at the corner 7th Ave. and 48th
Street, only footsteps ...
According to an analysis by the Media
Research Center, the three broadcast networks are using the resignation of
Pope Benedict XVI to advance their left-wing social agenda and attack the ...
On Monday’s edition of
“Martin Bashir,” MSNBC ran footage of the testimony of Neil Heslin, the father
of a Sandy Hook victim, in which it appears he is heckled by gun rights
activists. MSNBC’s ...
On Sunday’s edition of ABC’s The Week, Martha Raddatz managed to conduct a six minute-long interview with Democratic Senator Bob Menendez without asking a single question about an FBI ...
The Media Research
Center (MRC) is proud to announce the Best Notable Quotables of 2012: The 25th
Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting with MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry taking home ...