Moyers: Polluter-Bush Alliance; "Outrageous" Corporate Tax Dodge; Jennings Realizes Enron Bi-Partisan; "Excessive Hatred" of Clinton >>> C-SPAN Update: A C-SPAN video camera was at the MRC's "Dishonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2001," but the network has not yet shown it. And the schedule for C-SPAN and C-SPAN2, as of early Monday morning, did not list it, though nothing has been scheduled more than 18 hours out and most of Monday is unscheduled on C-SPAN2. When I know more, I'll let you know. <<<
"Even some Washington conservatives are outraged" at Vice President Cheney's "adamant secrecy" in not divulging who his energy policy task force consulted, Moyers maintained as he showcased a "staunch conservative" on his side: Larry Klayman. Moyers set up the segment on the January 18 show: "Congress returns to Washington next week and one of the first priorities for the Senate is to consider the President's energy program. In both the President's plan, and the bill that's already passed the House, H.R. 4, the fossil fuel industry is sitting pretty, with the promise of more than $35 billion in tax breaks and economic subsidies for some of America's richest and most polluting companies. For the environment it's a different story." Over video of birds in a waterway, Moyers continued his polemic by portraying a series of liberal claims as facts, preceding each by insisting "we know." Moyers opined: "The beauty and health of our environment matters to most of us. We know our dependence on oil, coal and gas drives global climate change. We know that moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy would serve our needs forever. But the President's energy plan is all about fossil fuel and the industries that helped elect him." Following a lengthy soundbite from Dan Becker of the Sierra Club blasting Bush policies, Moyers claimed: "From the beginning it's been a happy marriage of money and politics. The fossil fuel interests spent $55 million to help elect candidates to advance their goals and the Bush administration became practically a mirror of the energy industry. It's that old fraternity of oil and gas men, automotive and utility interests. There were no strangers here." Becker explained how a "a procession of big polluting companies" is getting what they want because the Bush administration is packed with those formerly employed by "big polluting companies." After a shot from Tom Smith of Public Citizen at Bush's close ties to the evil energy industry while Governor of Texas, Moyers arrived at the energy policy task force overseen by Vice President Cheney. Moyers asserted that Cheney "asked executives from Enron Energy, Anadarko Petroleum and Peabody Coal to help him write the report, plus other industry insiders whom Cheney refuses to identify. Even some Washington conservatives are outraged at his adamant secrecy." Yes, now that one is on his side, Moyers has suddenly discovered the insight of a conservative, this time Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman, whom he dubbed "a staunch conservative." Much of the rest of the piece was devoted to Klayman laying out his case against Cheney, mixed with a few more blasts at Bush from Becker. This was the only Now story without a transcript up on its Web site, as of Sunday evening, and I didn't get any further in transcribing it myself, but I think I've adequately conveyed the one-sided agenda reflected in the story. For the Now Web site, go to: [2] For the page on the January 18 program, go to: Moyers followed-up his piece with an interview with L. Hunter Lovins, an alternative energy advocate. Moyers admired how she was one of Time magazine's "Heroes of the Planet." That's all you need to know to peg her political agenda.
Instead, the CBS Evening News promoted the anti-business agenda as Dan Rather groused that "legal or not, critics say it is outrageous." CBS reporter Mark Strassmann featured two soundbites from CTJ's Bob McIntyre, before even getting to any other viewpoint. CBS featured this cheap shot at GE from McIntyre: "Sometimes I think their most important product is tax avoidance, and then they make a few refrigerators on the side." Strassmann's "Eye on America" piece drew deep meaning from how Enron avoided taxes in recent years, as he hoped: "America's mightiest companies are paying less and less in taxes. One of the repercussions from Enron's fall may be a new call for tax reform." In all of Strassmann's whining, however, he never pointed out how even a corporation which does not pay taxes generates a lot of tax revenue for the federal government from things such as capital gains taxes paid by stock and mutual fund holders and income taxes paid by employees. Rather intoned on the January 18 CBS Evening News: "The Enron scandal is encouraging new looks at a growing trend in corporate America: Using legal loopholes, including offshore hideouts, to avoid federal income taxes altogether. But legal or not, critics say it is outrageous, as CBS's Mark Strassmann reports for tonight's Eye on America." Mark Strassmann began: "Enron was
America's seventh-largest corporation, but four of the last five years the
company paid not one dime in federal income taxes. To many Americans, that
in itself is a scandal."
Jennings on the January 10 World News Tonight
as he teased the show and set up the first two stories: Eight days later, Jennings introduced a January 18 look at how politicians and political party groups are giving to charity donations they received from Enron: "Enron's connections to politicians in both parties, and in every part of the country, are, as we have reported before, deep and wide. But now that Enron is in collapse and in disgrace, politicians are running." "As we have reported before." A nice bit of re-writing history.
MRC analyst Ken Shepherd caught on the January 16 Today the ridiculous misuse of the term "terrorism" in a discussion with a woman who lost her life savings when she couldn't sell her Enron stock. Couric asked Janice Farmer: "You did not
work directly for Enron, you worked for a gas company in Florida that was
owned by Enron and all of your life savings, nearly $700,000 were in Enron
stock. You're retired now, tell me what you're facing personally."
On the January 16 NewsNight, MRC analyst Ken
Shepherd observed, during an interview with essayist Anne Taylor Fleming,
Brown offered up his explanation for why Bill Clinton was so loathed by
some Americans:
Duke, the Post's New York City reporter,
opened her January 18 "Style" section story: Apparently it does. In the week since the fire department revealed it would memorialize the flag-raising with a bronze statue depicting one black, one white and one Latino firefighter raising that flag together, the fire department has been inundated with the outcry of its angry and predominantly white force. The debate has been over race and remembering, over historical accuracy and symbolic rendering.... END of Excerpt To read the entire story, go to:
To access the Adobe Acrobat version, go to: The text of the January 17 Media Reality Check: Today's [January 17] Washington Post (page A21) included a news article by reporter Rick Weiss, ostensibly about the first meetings of President Bush's new Council on Bioethics. Weiss accurately stated that the immediate mission of the Council is to examine "the ethics of human cloning and of experimentation on cloned human embryos -- contentious topics that will be the focus of a Senate hearing next Thursday and are due for a full-blown debate by March." But Weiss then went out of his way to equate religious Americans who are troubled by the laboratory manipulation of human life with Afghanistan's Taliban regime which -- as the Post has reported elsewhere -- maimed and killed numerous citizens during its five-year reign of terror. Weiss wrote: "The council will be navigating a scientific and ethical landscape significantly more complex than the one that existed when the House became embroiled in the topic last summer. In November, researchers announced that they had made the first human embryo clones, giving immediacy to warnings by religious conservatives and others that science is no longer serving the nation's moral will. At the same time, the United States was fighting a war to free a faraway nation from the grip of religious conservatives who were denounced for imposing their moral code on others." After a front-page Washington Post article on February 1, 1993 matter-of-factly described religious conservatives as "largely poor, uneducated and easy to command," the Post's Howard Kurtz reported that then-managing editor Robert Kaiser "said he and other editors failed to catch the 'profoundly opinionated assertion' before publication. 'We really screwed up....One of the sins we commit from time to time is insensitivity,' he said." Apparently the Post's "sensitivity" to religious conservatives has not grown with the years. END Reprint of Media Reality Check "Quick Take"
-- MRC Webmaster Mez Djouadi worked most of
Friday to create a Web page with all of the video clips of biased comments
and stories, as produced by Horizons Television, shown at the Thursday
night dinner. Go to: -- An editorial in the January 18 Pittsburgh Tribune Review: See, hear, speak no balance: Harris gets her 'due' WASHINGTON. Big doings here Thursday night in the nation's capital. But we doubt you'll read or hear much -- anything? -- about it in the mainstream liberal media this morning. As "official Washington" enjoyed the last full week of the holiday recess (the second session of the 107th Congress bows Wednesday), conservatives gathered in the atrium of the Reagan International Trade Center for the 2002 Dishonors Awards. The brainchild of Sunday Trib columnist L. Brent Bozell III and his Media Research Center, the event roasted "the most outrageously biased liberal reporters of the year." Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris was on hand to accept the "Sore Loser Award" for refusing to "concede" Al Gore's "victory" in Florida. Of course, she couldn't have been bestowed such an honor without a lot of help from CBS News anchor Dan Rather. To wit, a few of the Ratherisms featured at last night's festivities: - "Nineteen days after the presidential election, Florida's
Republican secretary of state is about to announce the winner -- as she
sees it and she decrees it...." It was a night recognizing how bad the see-, hear- and speak-no-balance liberal media really is. How refreshing it would be if the 2003 Dishonors Awards had to be canceled for lack of nominees. But we're not holding our breath. END of Reprint To read the editorial online:
10. Forget Reveille, let us wake up to Regis and Kelly #7 lost me. -- Brent Baker [8] >>>
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