CNN Legitimized Sharpton; Bush Too Far Right; McCain Can Still Win!
Just kidding. I made up the facts in the paragraph above. But, sadly, the following paragraph is accurate: After the major media spent all weekend pounding away at George W. Bush for his racial insensitivity, Monday night under the banner of a "Time magazine and CNN Election 2000 Special Report," CNN featured Al Sharpton as the first questioner in its 90-minute broadcast of a debate between Al Gore and Bill Bradley from Harlem's Apollo Theater. Moderator Bernard Shaw prefaced the 9pm ET debate by offering "a very special thank you to the sponsor of tonight's debate in this historic setting, the United Missionary Baptist Association, led by the Reverend Nelson C. Dukes, moderator, and the Reverend Reginald Williams, chair." After explaining how "each candidate will have one minute to respond and 30 seconds for a rebuttal" to each question, Shaw introduced the first questioner in the audience: "The Host Committee has agreed to have the Reverend Al Sharpton to ask the first question. He has played an instrumental role in bringing about this dialogue in Harlem." Following some applause, Sharpton queried: "Tonight, we know on March 7 there will be a primary in New York and California. With the case of police scandal in California, the Diallo case and Louima case in New York, and many cases all between, many in our community have to live in fear of both the cops and the robbers. We are asking you what concrete steps would you make if you were elected President to deal with police brutality and racial profiling without increasing crime? How would you keep crime down but at the same time confront the problem of police brutality and racial profiling?" In a column run in last in Wednesday's Washington Post, National Journal Editor-in-Chief Michael Kelly pointed out Democratic Party hypocrisy -- though it's also an example of media hypocrisy -- in condemning Bush for associating with Bob Jones University and refusing to condemn the Confederate flag while ignoring how close Gore and Bradley are to Sharpton, who Kelly showed is "a career inciter of race-violence." Here's an excerpt from the February 16 column: ....In the genteel press, Sharpton is carefully referred to by euphemism -- community leader, activist. Actually, he is a professional monger of racial hatred, a career inciter of race-violence. Sharpton first came to national attention during the 1988 Tawana Brawley hoax, in which he enthusiastically spread the incendiary lie that a black teenage girl had been assaulted, smeared with feces and raped by a group of white law enforcement officers in upper New York state. That he libeled innocent men and fostered racial enmity seems never to have bothered Sharpton. In 1991, Sharpton helped stoke the outrage of the black community of Brooklyn's Crown Heights, following the accidental killing of a black child there by a car in the motorcade of the orthodox Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. The days of violence that followed culminated in the street mob-murder of Yankel Rosenbaum. In 1995, Sharpton supported a racist and obviously explosive street protest against a Jewish-owned Harlem clothing store, Freddy's, which was accused of attempting to drive a black record store out of business. In a rally broadcast on his weekly radio program, Sharpton spoke thusly: "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street.".... On Dec. 8, after two months of rhetorical violence, protestor Roland Smith entered the store armed with a pistol. Screaming, "It's on now, all blacks out," Smith opened fire. He set the store ablaze, and then shot himself. Smith killed seven store employees, most of them minorities. Afterward, Sharpton said he had only been seeking to mediate. In pursuit of black votes, Bill Bradley, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore have all wooed Sharpton. Bradley and Clinton have been open and enthusiastic about this.... Gore long hesitated, but last weekend he finally paid obeisance to Sharpton. Being Gore, he did it dishonestly. As the New York Times reported, Gore's meeting with Sharpton "was hidden from public the apartment of Karenna Gore Schiff, Mr. Gore's oldest daughter." Meanwhile, naturally, Gore's aides lied. From the Times account: "The press corps that normally follows Mr. Gore were told by his aides that the meeting with Mr. Sharpton was not happening and that his visit to his daughter's apartment was strictly personal." There has been much press attention to the pandering of various Republicans over such race-related issues as the flying of the Confederate flag over the capitol in South Carolina. And some of the Republican behavior has been revolting. But nothing the Republicans have done comes anywhere close -- for partisan irresponsibility, for a cynical and really dangerous disregard of the national good, for sheer revulsion factor -- to the Democratic pursuit of the love of Al Sharpton. END of Excerpt
On ABC's February 21 World News Tonight, reporter Dean
Reynolds relayed from the Bush campaign in Michigan: "Today his target
was Al Gore because yesterday, in a clear reference to Bush, the Vice
President said this." Over on the CBS Evening News, reporter Bill Whitaker did not specifically cite Gore but did outline his argument: "You might confuse Bush, this year's comeback kid, with a quick change artist. The conservative with compassion turned hard right down South and stood uncritically at Bob Jones University, which has been criticized for anti-black and anti-Catholic views. But whistling Dixie may not work in Michigan, a big, diverse, urban state." David Bloom, on the NBC Nightly News, asserted:
"Gore, over the weekend, accuses Bush of lacking quote 'the guts to
take on bigotry' because Bush refused to take a stand on the flying of the
Confederate flag in South Carolina and spoke at Bob Jones University there,
which critics call segregationist and anti-Catholic." Only after several other stories aired did NBC return to
the campaign and mention Sharpton. Following an "In Depth" piece by
Lisa Myers on Michigan Governor John Engler's influence, anchor Tom Brokaw
talked with Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert. Referring to Bush, Brokaw
suggested: Gee, I don't recall any network reporters raising concerns after New Hampshire about Gore's ties to Sharpton or about how he's gone too far left on abortion. (Following Bloom's NBC Nightly News story NBC ran a piece by Anne Thompson on how McCain is angry ant Bush's tactics, "accusing Governor Bush of running a sleaze campaign." Anchor Tom Brokaw introduced the story by delivering some positive spin on McCain's cause: "Senator McCain is maintaining his warrior spirit....")
Blitzer told Rangel: "You know, many Republicans in
the last few days, Congressman Rangel, have said that George W. Bush's
decision to go to Bob Jones University in South Carolina is really no
different than Bill Bradley or Al Gore's decision to meet with Al Sharpton,
the controversial minister in New York City. Is there a significant difference
there, or is there an analogy?"
On the February 21 show, MRC analyst Jessica Anderson noticed, Gibson proposed: "You started this campaign knowing that the Republican Party would have to broaden its base in order to win in November. You were emphasizing compassion. Then you get in political trouble after New Hampshire, and you wrap yourself so tightly in the Republican Right that it may kill you in November." Later, Gibson inquired: "Governor Engler, does the
campaign of Governor Bush in South Carolina stand him well in Michigan?" Democrats are criticizing Bush on BJU. The difference is that the media eagerly adopt that complaint as their own. As alluded to in the Kelly column in item #1 above, on February 13 Gore snuck off to visit Al Sharpton, but though both the New York Times and Washington Post both ran stories on it on February 14, ABC ignored it that Monday as did the other networks.
-- CBS's Face the Nation February 20. Bob Schieffer to
John Engler: -- ABC's This Week, February 20. Cokie Roberts to
Bush, as transcribed by the MRC's Jessica Anderson: George Stephanopoulos, the analyst who unlike George Will also serves as a correspondent, during the roundtable: "Democrats are pretty happy right now. They would have liked if John McCain did a little bit better yesterday, but they had decided they would rather run against George W. Bush, especially because he's had to move so far to the right. You know, he's now the kamikaze conservative, with all the positions he's had to take here in South Carolina -- against choice, going to Bob Jones University, really locking himself in on that huge tax cut." -- MSNBC's live coverage of the South Carolina primary
Saturday night. At about 8:48pm Brian Williams interviewed Bush. His first
question: A few minutes later with
McCain, Williams urged him on: -- CNN's live coverage Saturday night of the primary.
At about 7:08pm ET tri-anchor Jeff Greenfield opined: During a Capital Gang segment that began at 7:20pm ET
Time's Margaret Carlson contended:
Bernard Shaw: "Hi there. Good to have you on, sir. Let's take a deep breath and step back from the confetti and the cheering, and explain to us, one, we knew you had to win, you did win. Tell us how you did it." Judy Woodruff: "Governor, it's Judy Woodruff -- and congratulations. Let me just ask you, at the same time you had to run -- you ran in South Carolina, one of the nation's most conservative states, a very conservative campaign, there was talk of your position on abortion. You just mentioned cutting taxes. Doesn't that make it harder for you to now to move back and appeal to the center, which you must do to win this nomination and the election?" Jeff Greenfield: "It's Jeff Greenfield, Governor. Let me add my congratulations. To follow up on what Judy was asking you, one of the silver linings the McCain campaign claims from the exit polls is that while you won big amongst self-described conservative Republicans, you lost to McCain among moderate and liberal Republicans. And in South Carolina there's an extraordinary number of conservatives. As you go into a place like Michigan or New York, if that battle becomes necessary, are you at all concerned that the tenor of this campaign has, as one Gore aide told me, maybe marginalized you, made you less able to reach out with the kind of message you had for those many months before the campaign began about inclusion?"
-- Brian Williams to Tim Russert on MSNBC at 7:10pm ET
Saturday, referring to Michigan: "Tim, the following dynamic, true or
false, will there be the feeling there, among let's say auto assembly
workers, Reagan Democrats, some moderate Republicans, let's help this guy
out. A, we want a race of this, we don't want it to be over. B, you know we
just like McCain, we don't want to vote for the machine candidate?" -- At about 8:36pm ET Williams tried to spin the McCain loss in McCain's favor, reporting: "All evening long we have been saying things like 'a margin of ten to 11 percent.' There comes late word to us, as they say, that this is tightening as the numbers come in as we get around toward the nine o'clock hour in the east that maybe this is not a double digit victory at all and maybe this is closer to a six percent victory." In fact, in the end it was an 11 point gap. -- Over on CNN at about 7:25pm ET Saturday the Wall Street Journal's Al Hunt fretted: "McCain has a dilemma now, Mark. I mean, he is a guy who said he's not going to go negative. He's got a lot of ammunition going up to Michigan. I mean, those Macomb County voters would really despise and be threatened by some of the anti-Catholicism of the fundamentalists Bush supporters in South Carolina, but McCain is going to be hard-pressed to use that now, isn't he?" -- Newsweek's Evan Thomas hoped, on Inside Washington: "I think Bush's strategy was short-term smart, but it may be long-term stupid. I mean, South Carolina has a particular tradition of going negative, pioneered by the great Lee Atwater. The great Lee Atwater engineered the first push polls, I think were down there. So this business of demonizing a candidate to stimulate the Bible Belter vote works in South Carolina, but that doesn't mean it's going to work everywhere. And if McCain can find a way get back on the high road -- I agree that he really stumbled by running that negative campaign against Bush. He'd been so nimble the whole campaign, but that one time he screwed up. If he can just get himself back on the high road, I still think he can win." -- Monday morning on NBC's Today co-host Matt Lauer
empathized with McCain over his loss and urged him to fight back against Bush
in order to rise again. Lauer told McCain, as transcribed by the MRC's
Jessica Anderson: Later in the interview Lauer suggested: "Governor Bush did very well with voters on the far right of the Republican Party in South Carolina; that may have been his margin of victory. Is it necessary for you now, Senator McCain, to make that a liability for Governor Bush, to portray him as someone beholden to that wing of the Party?" Next, Katie Couric talked with Tim Russert. Her first concern: "What went wrong, basically, for John McCain in South Carolina?" Despite the media's clear favoritism for McCain, Monday night during a taped interview on the CBS Evening News, Dan Rather proposed to McCain: "It's common in the press corps, and in some political circles to say, whatever you think of John McCain he's destined to lose because George Bush has him on all three of the Big Three: Money, Media and Message. You agree?" Bush certainly does not have the middle M.
Monday morning CBS's The Early Show brought aboard
historian Richard Norman Smith to discuss C-SPAN's survey in which about 80
historians were asked to rank all the Presidents in ten areas of performance.
Plugging the upcoming interview at 7:21am, Gumbel announced: "Well later
on this morning we're going to be talking on this President's Day about
this presidential survey. Who would you think finished first?" At 8:30am Gumbel got to Smith, who explained that
Clinton was rated fifth for "economic management" and placed very
last, 41st, in "moral authority." Overall, Clinton ranked 21st. A
displeased Gumbel argued: Smith remained unpersuaded by Gumbel's argument. Reagan, for the record, finished in 11th place. -- Brent Baker [4]
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