ABC & CBS Avoided Clinton Lie; Gun to Elian "Warmed My Heart"; "Crazy Family"
"Today Republicans gained two unlikely allies," NBC's Lisa Myers noted on NBC Nightly News as she uniquely picked up both on how Al Gore broke with the administration policy and an op-ed by Laurence Tribe: "The liberal Harvard constitutional scholar charges that the raid was an illegal search." At a Tuesday afternoon press conference Democratic Senator Bob Graham repeated his charge that President Clinton made a commitment not to seize Elian at night. Lisa Myers highlighted his charge as did FNC's Brian Wilson on the Fox Report, but ABC, CBS and CNN all skipped it. On CNN's The World Today Chris Black showed a soundbite from Graham, but one of him complaining about how the administration did not get assurances Elian will not be "used as a trophy child for communism" if he returns to Cuba. CBS's Byron Pitts instead featured a clip of Chris Dodd demanding the Senate take up gun control. All the networks reported how "playmates" from Cuba will soon visit Elian at Wye, but only ABC and FNC addressed the issue of contact with Cuban officials. ABC's Linda Douglass relayed how "the Justice Department insists no Cuban government officials are staying at the farmhouse." But on the Fox Report FNC's Rita Cosby acknowledged: "The official said no Cuban officials would be staying there, but they can visit at the request of Elian's father." Here are highlights of Elian coverage on the broadcast network evening shows for Tuesday, April 25: -- ABC's World News
Tonight. With only one story, ABC devoted the least time to Elian. Linda
Douglass reported how U.S. Marshals snuck Elian to new location, "a
refurbished farm house on the Wye Plantation resort in Maryland, where the
late King Hussein of Jordan stayed during Middle East peace talks." Douglass showed a new photo, of Elian with his father, half brother and his father's wife, which was credited to "Jessica Campbell-Morrison," whom Douglass labeled a visitor. The name sounds suspiciously like an offspring from Joan Brown-Campbell. The Miami relatives "insist he cannot be happy and say they fear he is being manipulated by Cuban psychiatrists," Douglass noted in reporting how the relatives have gone to court to request an order to allow them to see Elian. -- CBS Evening News. Anchor John Roberts led by stressing: "To help Elian feel more comfortable, the State Department promised today to allow some of his friends from Cuba to come for a visit. Still not welcome though are the boy's Miami relatives." Byron Pitts noted how the relatives were again turned away from Andrews as Elian was on his way to Wye. Picking up on the Capitol Hill meting, Pitts reported Trent Lott announced hearings for next week as viewers heard Lott demand: "Why did you use this amount of force at this particular time. Why did it have to be done that day?" Pitts relayed that
"Republican lawmakers, mostly, believe the Attorney General used
excessive force," but that "Democratic leaders say it's all
unnecessary." Pitts found that while Reno "did not change a single mind on Capitol Hill, she did receive applause and an endorsement from her boss." After a clip of Clinton urging the family be left alone, Pits concluded by noting how a cousin and a school teacher will arrive Wednesday from Cuba. Next, from Miami Jeffrey Kofman looked at the Cuban-American "dead city" effort to shut down Miami and found it a failure with life as usual outside of Little Havana. He concluded: "The Elian saga showed that Cuban-Americans can no longer count on support from Washington. The failure of this general strike shows they can't even count on support from their neighbors." -- NBC Nightly News. Andrea
Mitchell opened with the Miami relative rebuffed again as Elian traveled to
Wye. After the soundbite of Clinton urging the family be given space, Mitchell
announced: "To help reorient Elian, at his father's request playmates
will be coming from Cuba to visit, says the State Department." Mitchell wrapped up by noting how the relatives have asked a court to appoint a guardian for Elian and that Clinton endorsed Reno's action. Next, Lisa Myers played
soundbites of Senators Trent Lott and Connie Mack complaining about Reno's
decision as Lott set hearings for next week. Myers uniquely picked up on two
quotes: "And today Republicans gained two unlikely allies. The Vice
President says quote, [on screen with credit to NPR] 'I would have handled
it differently...I would try to bring the family together and, barring that,
to handle it in a family court.' And the liberal Harvard constitutional
scholar [over shot of a New York Times op-ed headlined "Justice Taken Too
Far"] charges that the raid was an illegal search." To see Graham originally
make his charge about Clinton, go to the April 24 CyberAlert to watch a
RealPlayer clip of his appearance on Sunday's This Week on ABC: In his April 25 New York Times op-ed, the liberal hero Tribe argued: ....Although a federal court had ordered that Elian not be removed from the country pending a determination of his asylum petition, and although a court had ruled that the Immigration and Naturalization Service could exercise custody and control of Elian for the time being, no judge or neutral magistrate had issued the type of warrant or other authority needed for the executive branch to break into the home to seize the child. The agency had no more right to do so than any parent who has been awarded custody would have a right to break and enter for such a purpose. Indeed, the I.N.S. had not even secured a judicial order, as opposed to a judicially unreviewed administrative one, compelling the Miami relatives to turn Elian over. The Justice Department points out that the agents who stormed the Miami home were armed not only with guns but with a search warrant. But it was not a warrant to seize the child. Elian was not lost, and it is a semantic sleight of hand to compare his forcible removal to the seizure of evidence, which is what a search warrant is for.... END Excerpt New York Times "On the
Web" subscribers can read the whole piece at: Another usually conservative-bashing liberal icon, Alan Dershowitz, made a similar point on Monday's The Edge on FNC, MRC Communications Director Liz Swasey pointed out to me. On the April 24 show he explained: "They should have gotten a court order. They should have sought to hold the family in contempt. And if the family refused to comply with the court order, then they could have issued contempt citations and arrested the family. But I have a reason why they didn't go for a court order. They didn't go for a court order because they knew they couldn't get one." Dershowitz predicted, probably all too accurately: "They acted lawlessly. They couldn't get one because the 11th circuit had already turned down their request for a court order, and the family would have argued that giving the child over to the father, at this point, would moot the case in the 11th circuit because, predictably, within a few days, Greg Craig will come out with a hand-scrawled little note from Elian saying he now withdraws his application for asylum."
NBC's Today, however, did press White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart about it Tuesday morning in this April 25 exchange taken down by the MRC's Geoffrey Dickens: Matt Lauer: "Let's be
honest here. That it's not only Republicans. There are Democrats who are
concerned as well. Bob Graham said that he was made a promise by President
Clinton. Let's play what he had to say." What might have raised even
Lauer's suspicion about the definition of "night"? Well, darkness
at 4:45am which he called 5am isn't night to Deputy Attorney General Eric
Holder. On Sunday's Meet the Press Tim Russert played a clip of an exchange
with Holder from a two weeks earlier: Back on the April 23 show,
Russert asked: "Why such a dramatic change in position? Oral sex isn't sex and now nighttime darkness before dawn isn't night. Tuesday morning CBS's Jane Clayson also interviewed Lockhart but failed to bring up Graham in the Early Show interview. Next up, she quizzed Graham's Florida Senate colleague Connie Mack. After asking if he will still push for hearings given how the public opposes them, she contended: "Some people accuse you, Senator, of using Elian as a political pawn. Wouldn't you lose political support, especially in Florida, if you held any other position in this case?" Mack answered, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brian Boyd: "Well Jane, look, I'm not running for re-election. I mean, if that were my motive then why would I be doing it?....I think that in a sense it is the reaction of this Administration, whenever you disagree with them on policy to charge you with politics. I would ask them to ask this question: Do they believe that Senator Bob Graham, a Democrat from Florida who said that the President broke his promise to him about the use of force, is Aaron Podhurst the attorney in Miami playing politics? Is the President of the University of Miami playing politics when they said it was this government that was not negotiating in good faith. I think when you've got those kinds of questions then I think we should seriously pursue questions about why force was." But CBS ran out of time to pursue the Graham charge, as Clayson wrapped up: "Alright, Senator Connie Mack of Florida. Senator, thank you."
Here's an excerpt of his April 25 column: Frankly, I liked both pictures. Yup, I gotta confess, that now-famous picture of a U.S. marshal in Miami pointing an automatic weapon toward Donato Dalrymple and ordering him in the name of the U.S. government to turn over Elian Gonzalez warmed my heart. They should put that picture up in every visa line in every U.S. consulate around the world, with a caption that reads: "America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that." And I was also warmed by the picture of Elian back in his father's arms. Some things you can fake -- like a 6-year-old wagging his finger on a homemade video and telling his father to go back to Cuba without him -- and some things you can't fake. That picture of Elian and his father illustrated the very parent-child bond that our law was written to preserve. Hats off to Janet Reno for understanding that the Elian Gonzalez case was about both of these pictures: the well-being of a child and the well-being of our Constitution, on which all good things in our society rest. But hats off twice to Ms. Reno for understanding that these two noble virtues are not equal. The fear of causing some trauma to Elian by rescuing him could never outweigh the need to uphold the rule of law. One only hopes that this affair will remind the extremists among the Miami Cubans that they are not living in their own private country, that they cannot do whatever they please and that they may hate Fidel Castro more than they love the U.S. Constitution -- but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.... END Excerpt New York Times "On the
Web" subscribers can read all of it at:
Three noteworthy quotes from last week and earlier this week: -- The Washington Post's
Howard Kurtz concluded an April 24 story by quoting Chicago Tribune Washington
Bureau Chief James Warren, a familiar reporter to McLaughlin Group watchers,
relaying his assessment of the news value of the relatives in DC on Sunday: -- Watching Saturday
night's special edition of MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams, MRC
analyst Paul Smith caught this exchange between the anchor of the same name
and Newsweek Miami reporter Joe Contreras. As for who was violating the law, Contreras should consult Laurence Tribe and Alan Dershowitz. See their analysis as cited at the end of item #1 above. -- The MRC's Rich Noyes alerted me to this insightful question from Larry King which MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth tracked down. It's from CNN's Larry King Live on April 20 with Al and Tipper Gore as King's guests: Larry King: "Tipper,
one of the things that Elian Gonzalez's father said that I guess would be hard
to argue with, that his boy's safer in a school in Havana than in a school in
Miami. He would not be shot in a school in Havana. Good point?"
In his daily e-mail message on Tuesday plugging World News Tonight, forwarded to me by the MRC's Rich Noyes, Peter Jennings assuringly noted: "We try very hard to avoid the politically loaded terminology sometimes adopted by opposing sides in various debates." He then previewed the show: "Today is a good example of a newsroom debate about language. The subject under discussion in the Supreme Court was what phrase should be used: 'partial birth' abortion, 'second trimester' abortion, 'late term' abortion or simply 'dilation and extraction'? In the past, we have settled for'later term' abortion, while pointing out that critics of the procedure use 'partial birth' abortion." Jennings, however, adopted the language of the other side: "There were few indications today that any of the justices had shifted their positions on the abortion question -- the court remains narrowly in favor of abortion rights." Now to ABC's actual April
25 World News Tonight story. Jennings opened the show: Jackie Judd began by showing
protesters from both sides, including those for "abortion rights,"
before she reported how the law forbids "'partially delivering...a
living unborn child before killing the unborn child.'" After a
soundbite from Dave Maurstad, Lt. Governor of Nebraska, Judd related: Judd noted how some justices were concerned about a lack of an exception for the mother's health or how the language was too vague and could prevent all abortions after the third month. Judd elaborated: "Abortion rights advocates believe that is exactly the point of the Nebraska law, to slowly eliminate abortion as a constitutional right." On the CBS Evening News Jim
Stewart noted there are 1.4 million abortions a year with 130,000 coming late
in pregnancy: "Opponents call them partial-birth abortions. A surgical
procedure in which a doctor withdraws the feet and lower body of the fetus
before puncturing the skull, allowing the rest of the fetus to be pulled
But four-and-a-half weeks
later GMA became the first morning show to tell her story, MRC analyst Jessica
Anderson observed. Jack Ford introduced his April 25 segment with her and
Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman: Amongst his questions: Once again, no room for Leonardo and Bill. Will try again to get that into the next CyberAlert. -- Brent Baker [5]
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