Powell to Block "Extreme Things"; An Aghast Russert: "Another Tax Cut?"; CBS Relayed Castro on "Moral Duty"; Liberal Bias Confirmed
Interviewing Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Lauer pressed her about the status of ergonomics regulations put in place by Bill Clinton, but which were rescinded by Congress after Bush became President. When Chao explained the subject was under review, Lauer demanded: "If you conclude that there is a serious problem out there and people are being injured, would you agree that a solution should be mandatory, not voluntary?" In the 7:30am half hour on the September 3
show Today brought aboard Johanna McGeary, a Time senior correspondent, to
discuss her new cover story, "Where Have You Gone, Colin
Powell?" She outlined Time's case that Powell has little influence
within the Bush foreign policy team, complaining: "The biggest symbol
to most people at this point is that they thought Colin Powell was the
force of moderation in this administration, the guy who would keep the
Bush administration from doing really extreme things. And so far, where
he's done that he's had to pull them back from things they've
already done and on the biggest issue of all, national missile defense, he
seems to be going along with the rest of them." "Most people" and "a lot of people" are, no doubt, their colleagues at Time and NBC News.
Russert first interviewed on the September 2
show OMB Director Mitch Daniels, whom he hit with arguments from New York
Times columnist Paul Krugman and another liberal group, both unlabeled. On
the latter, Russert relayed: "The Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities has analyzed what has been going on. And they said something
which is quite striking. I'd like to read it to you: 'The Congressional
Budget Office's new report on the federal budget confirms that the surplus
is considerably smaller than previously assumed and that, in some years,
the budget outside Social Security will be in deficit. CBO now shows a
surplus between 2002 and 2011 that is $2.2 trillion less than it estimated
in May; about three-quarters of this decline was caused by the impact of
the recently enacted tax-cut package.' Next, with Democratic Senator John Kerry,
Russert pointed out how Democrats don't want to cut taxes or spending
but are instead setting a trap for Bush to do either so they can pounce
rhetorically on him. But Russert soon pushed Kerry to adopt the
"trigger" idea: "Would you be willing to put a trigger in
place so that future tax cuts, in years two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10 not kick in, not take place, unless the resources
were there, unless it would guarantee we would not go into deficit?" Kerry soon, however earned Russert's wrath
when he broached a capital gains tax cut: "The problem is that the
President is unwilling to step back from the rigidity of a position taken
in the snows of New Hampshire on the tax cut. And now we are, the American
people -- I mean, here we are right before Labor Day, you've got an awful
lot of folks who'd love an increase in the minimum wage. You've got a lot
of people who had a very hard time thrown out of work who are going to
need transitional assistance. We need, you might even consider a capital
gains tax reduction at this point in time to help spur the kind of capital
investment that is not taking place as a consequence of the lowering of
the interest rates." Kerry didn't point out how a capitals gains cut, as other have in the past, would actually increase government revenue from the tax, a concept which eludes liberals and, in this case it seems, Tim Russert as well.
At the top of the roundtable segment on the
September 2 Fox News Sunday, Hume issued a lookout: If that occurred, it would be pretty hard for reporters to argue they were maintaining consistency -- although they would be consistently blaming the Republican side. Indeed, two studies published in the MRC's old MediaWatch newsletter documented how the networks adopted Clinton's spin as reality back in late 1995. An excerpt from the study recounted in the January 1996 MediaWatch: As a second partial government shutdown descended on Washington, network coverage once again favored President Clinton's arguments over those of House Republicans. Last month, MediaWatch examined coverage during the November 13-20 shutdown and found not a single story noted how much more than the GOP Clinton wanted to spend. No story questioned his rhetoric about "destroying" Medicare even though the GOP plan called for hikes. Reporters conveyed the Democratic spin about the disastrous impact upon federal workers and the public. As a new budget impasse began in mid-December, MediaWatch analysts reviewed all 131 budget-related stories on evening newscasts (ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, and CNN's World News) from the evening before the shutdown (December 14) through the day it ended (January 5). After President Clinton vetoed several spending bills, not one story blamed Clinton for the shutdown, but nearly two dozen declared the GOP culpable. Furloughed workers and other "victims" were featured in half the stories while no story explored the "Washington Monument" strategy or the financial boost offered by a balanced budget. Blame. To fund the government, Congress passes appropriation bills which the President must then sign. Clinton vetoed spending bills on December 18 and 19 that would have kept open six cabinet departments. But on the question of who caused the shutdown, reporters exclusively pointed a finger at the Republicans. In the 48 stories in which reporters allocated blame, 23 assigned blame to the Republicans, but not one held Clinton culpable (25 blamed both). On December 16, when the government's temporary spending authority ran out, Bob Schieffer led off the CBS Evening News like a disappointed father: "Well, they've done it again. Nine days from Christmas, Republicans have forced another partial shutdown of the government because they cannot come to an agreement with the White House on how to balance the budget." The next night, ABC's Jerry King also blamed the GOP. "There's no indication from House Republicans, whose budget-cutting zeal started all of this, that they are ready, Christmas season or not, to end it." END Excerpt ABC reporter Jack Smith got even more ridiculous in a story on the December 22, 1995 World News Tonight, just the fifth day of the shutdown: "Monuments and national parks are shut. So are museums. A long-awaited rare exhibit of the Dutch painter Vermeer at the National Gallery, eight years in the making, is closed. And the shutdown now has a human face. Joe Skattleberry and his wife Lisa both work for the government. Both have been furloughed. They can't afford a Christmas tree." Now that is pathetic. Nothing brings back memories of bias like a purportedly serious story about how federal workers yet to have missed a paycheck, and who would get all their back pay as soon as a budget passed for their departments, couldn't afford to spend $20 bucks.
CBS Evening News anchor Thalia Assuras set up the September 1 story: "At a UN conference on racism being held in South Africa, Arafat today condemned what he called Israel's racist practices, but stopped short of calling Israel a racist state. The conference today also heard a lively debate over slavery and heard calls for the United States to pay reparations. Elizabeth Palmer reports." Narrating from London, Palmer began her
Saturday piece: "Until just a few months ago, 17-year-old Mariama
Oumarou was a slave, bought for $300 by a Nigerian man who abused her. 'I
was beaten because I was just a slave,' she tells delegates to the UN
Conference Against Racism. Oumarou managed to escape, but she left behind
friends who remain slaves. These are modern victims of slavery, which
still goes on in parts of Asia and Africa, but it's the issue of American
slavery, which ended more than a century ago, that's taken center stage
here. Leaders like Fidel Castro are calling on the United States to make
reparations, to pay for its past. 'Cuba supports the idea of reparations
as an unavoidable moral duty,' he said. The United States fought hard to
keep reparations for slavery off the conference agenda, but
African-Americans here have made sure the controversial idea is getting
lots of attention." Overshadowed because reporters like Palmer give credibility to the rantings of Fidel Castro about a "moral duty." ABC's Richard Gizbert reflected a more reasoned take on he conference the next night on World News Tonight/Sunday. After recounting how the conference turned into a fight over Israel, with a conference resolution calling Israel a "racist, apartheid state" guilty of "war crimes and acts of genocide," while calls were made for reparations by the U.S., Gizbert concluded: "In the end, the UN's anti-racism effort was hijacked by those with historical scores to settle -- consumed by the very hatreds it sought to eradicate."
Bob Faw started his August 31 piece with Bill
Clinton's infamous "I did not have sexual relations with that
woman," followed by examples from, among others, historian Joseph
Ellis, actor Brian Dennehy and Congressman Wes Cooley, as Faw suggested
people lie because it helps them get ahead and gain power. After a
soundbite from a human resources specialist on how many resumes are
riddled with false credentials, Faw dared to get close to home: On screen over his Barnicle comments viewers saw a scroll of the Boston Globe banner followed by Barnicle on his MSNBC show with the MSNBC logo in the corner. Faw can hardly be faulted for not being able to keep up since MSNBC changes its 6pm line-up quarterly, but actually MSNBC has dumped Barnicle's old 6pm ET show, though he is a regular guest analyst on other MSNBC shows.
Those reactions were generated by a discussion on Inside Washington over the weekend about Robert Samuelson's column last week in the Washington Post prompted by the elevation of Howell Raines, the liberal editorial page editor, to the Executive Editor slot. Samuelson argued: "Among editors and reporters of the national media -- papers, magazines, TV -- a 'liberal bias' is not so much denied as ignored, despite overwhelming evidence that it exists." Thomas, Assistant Managing Editor of Newsweek, conceded that he knows the public sees a liberal tilt: "There's a tremendous feeling in the country that there is a liberal bias and it makes me exceedingly nervous that the New York Times -- which I lump with the Washington Post as kind of public trusts, the best and the most fair and just the best in the business -- if there is a perception that one of them is truly leaning to the left and there is fodder for that perception, that is worrisome." Thomas disclosed: "There is a perception, even among journalists, that the Times is going a little a bit left, is getting more liberal. And that's disquieting." But, Time magazine national correspondent Jack White seethed: "That's a lot of hokum, with all due respect to Evan. There is no liberal bias in the press in the whole. In fact, if there is a bias, it's on the other side. It's hard to find a person really, truly, of the liberal persuasion who are making any important decisions in any important media institutions in this country now. I've looked for them, I consider myself one, I have very few birds of a like feather around." Just imagine how much more liberal time would be under White's direction. For an excerpt of Samuelson's August 29 column and a link to it in its entirety, go to: http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2001/cyb20010830.asp#2 [2]
I didn't really miss him. -- Brent Baker [3]