Subverting "Compassionate Image"; "Nonpartisan" Democrats"; Letterman Leaned on Bush from the Left 2) New York Times on Rock the Vote: "Nonpartisan," "nonprofit" but "with close ties to Democrats."
ABC's World News Tonight led Thursday with back-to-back stories on Gore and Bush. Terry Moran's story played several soundbites from Gore attacking Bush, including: "Nineteen days from today prosperity is on the ballot." On Bush's Social Security plan, Gore took this shot: "His own chief economist said, 'I don't know why he said what he said.' If his chief economist has no idea what he's talking about, how are the rest of us supposed to figure it out?" Moran concluded his story with an upbeat assessment of Gore's tactics: "Al Gore has been trying all year to get voters to focus on issues rather than personalities in this campaign, and the overriding issue, he says, is simple. It's the prosperity, people." Next, Dean Reynolds looked at how Bush
"launched a fierce counterattack today against" Al Gore's
attacks on his Social Security plan. As transcribed by MRC analyst Brad
Wilmouth, Reynolds then critically assessed Bush's tactics: Reynolds concluded with a warning: "This kind of language may conflict with Bush's compassionate image. It may inflame the opposition and undermine his repeated calls for an end to partisan bickering. But with 19 days before the election, the time for making nice is over."
Under the mine-headline "Inspiring Young Voters," Schmitt wrote: "Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan, nonprofit voter registration organization with close ties to Democrats, has produced several new public service announcements that seek to inspire those ages 18 to 24 to vote on Election Day. The 30-second spots, which went on the air nationwide last week on MTV, show young people confronting a political system dominated by special interests or biased law enforcement officials." The ad Schmitt went on to describe hardly refrained from advocating a point of view which matches the campaign agenda of one the two major party candidates: "In one commercial, a young woman with a broken leg and in a wheelchair has her credit card rejected at a pharmacy when the cost of her prescription drugs totals $352.40. The advertisement's tag line says the pharmaceutical industry gave more than $1 million to senators in 1999, suggesting that the contributions helped block access to cheaper drugs."
The "Oprah test" refers to the question posed after she dedicated a show to a light-hearted and positive hour with Al Gore: Would she provide George W. Bush the same welcoming, non-confrontational atmosphere. She did. Letterman certainly gave Bush time to explain himself and also tossed him some cued-to-comic-retort softballs, but for a comedy show about half the interview came off as something closer to Meet the Press. There were similarities between the two interviews. Both were asked about Adam Clymer and Bush's "asshole" remark, both got to read "Top Ten" lists which largely made each look good and Letterman asked both about current issues of the day: Gore about the Wen Ho Lee case, Bush about Yemen and violence in Israel. But on specific policies advocated by each, they
received disparate treatment. During the Thursday, September 14
interview this was Letterman's only question about the Clinton-Gore
record: The supposedly melting polar ice cap is a Letterman interest, so he fell into a Gore agenda topic by asking how we are going to lower the temperature so the polar ice cap does not melt. The "Top Ten Rejected Gore-Lieberman
Campaign Slogans," read by Gore, did feature a shot at himself:
"Remember, America: I Gave You The Internet, And I Can Take It
Away. Think About It." To read the whole list, go to: But five weeks later, Letterman forced Bush to spend much of the interview justifying his positions. And this is relevant since a Pew Research Center for the People and the Press survey earlier this year found 28 percent of the public, and 47 percent of those under 30, rely on the late night comedy shows for campaign information. Letterman opened the four-segment, October 19
Bush interview by asking why the race is so close, whether Bush is
tired of campaigning, how fast he runs his three mile jogs, who he
likes in the World Series. Then he put Bush on the spot: Bush replied that he didn't promise voters he wouldn't run. Letterman called Bush's "asshole" comment the "only honest moment" in campaign and wondered if Bush would like to apologize. "Not really," Bush answered. After a bit of talk about how the debates went,
and Letterman joking that the last debate looked "like elementary
ballroom dancing," Letterman turned serious: Letterman conceded the obvious: "The notion
of this whole topic just makes me very uncomfortable, very squeamish
and I think people who oppose the death penalty would agree with
that." The next segment began with a discussion of the situation in Yemen and what Bush would do. Letterman moved on to the Middle East and wondered if Bush knew why people hate each other so much. Letterman then exposed his environmentalism:
"I heard something a few weeks ago coming out of your campaign
and I just thought, 'well this is not true, he's not really going
to do that.' Talking about wilderness lands up in Alaska or Arctic
Circle, you're going to take trucks up there and drill for oil. And
I said 'that's a joke, he's not going to do that.'" Letterman recalled for Bush how when he
mentioned the melting polar ice caps to Gore, the Vice President
promised he would "lead us to solutions to save the planet. Now
one, do you believe him when he says that?" Letterman proceeded to a Gore campaign charge:
"Don't you have bad air pollution down in Texas" Letterman delivered one last plea: "Instead of sending these guys up looking for natural gas in Alaska, or wherever the Hell you're going to do it, why can't we take some of that money and look for alternative means of energy?" In the last segment Bush got to deliver his own "Top Ten" list. See the item below.
10. To save taxpayer dollars, calls to winning sports teams will be
collect For a "Top Ten Extra" entry, scroll to the end of this CyberAlert.
To view the report as fax recipients saw it, go
to the Adobe Acrobat PDF document posted on the MRC Web site: The pull-out quote in the center of the page
under the heading "Jack Kemp Endorses Hitler?" New York
Times columnist A.M. Rosenthal on Kemp praising Louis Farrakhan and
his march, October 16, 1996: Now the text of the October 19 Media Reality Check: Jack Kemp Ripped, Joe Lieberman Skipped The media blackout of vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman's September 26 declaration of "respect" for anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and his desire to meet with him continued through Farrakhan's "Million Family March" on Monday. But in 1996, when GOP vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp reached out to Farrakhan, several outlets which are ignoring the Lieberman story played up the Kemp flap. -- The Boston Globe. The story began with Globe reporter Michael Rezendes on September 8, 1996: "Jack Kemp, the self-styled Republican ambassador to minorities and the poor, believes Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's self-help philosophy is 'wonderful'...Kemp was careful to say he does not endorse all the teachings of Farrakhan, who has been labeled anti-Semitic...But Kemp also said he admired the Million Man March organized by Farrakhan last year, and the speech Farrakhan delivered at the event, that he wished he had been able to take part." Globe coverage of Lieberman's remarks? Zero. -- CBS. On the September 11, 1996 This Morning, co-host Jane Robelot explained Kemp was "trying to mend fences with Jewish-Americans" over his remarks. Reporter Troy Roberts began: "Jack Kemp is learning the hard way what many politicians have known for a while. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is a political hot potato, and anyone who gets too close is likely to be burned...Kemp praised the 'Million Man March' the Nation of Islam leader organized last year, and went on in an interview to endorse Farrakhan's philosophy of black self-reliance. But he failed to denounce Farrakhan's teachings that have been labeled anti-Semitic." CBS on Lieberman? Zero, even though The Early Show interviewed him on Tuesday. -- U.S. News & World Report. Columnist Gloria Borger (now also with CBS) wrote on October 14, 1996: "Reporters, by and large, have moved beyond their first assignment, which was to be present at the moment Jack Kemp stopped reading from Bob Dole's script or said something silly. (Remember when he praised Louis Farrakhan's 'wonderful' self-help philosophy?)" Later she noted Kemp's friend Jude Wanniski, whom Dole campaign aides blamed "for Kemp's Farrakhan faux pas." U.S. News on Lieberman? Zero. -- The New York Times. On September 10, 1996, reporter Jerry Gray noted the flap, adding Kemp's "praise of Mr. Farrakhan came just days before he was set to speak in New York City before the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. And his comments, no matter how mild, are likely to upset some members of the coalition." Later, columnist and former Executive Editor A.M. Rosenthal savaged Kemp. But the only Times mention of Lieberman's remarks came on October 6 in an Adam Nagourney article on Hillary renouncing Suha Arafat on page B10: "she declined to 'second guess' the statement by Joseph I. Lieberman, the Democratic candidate for vice president, that he was willing to sit down with Mr. Farrakhan, who has been criticized for making anti-Semitic statements." They left out Lieberman's "respect" for Farrakhan. END Reprint of Media Reality Check A parting joke. From the Late Show Web page, one of George Bush's "Top Ten Changes I'll Make in the White House" which didn't make the final cut: "Free up bedroom in White House by sharing one with my wife." -- Brent Baker [4]
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