Cheneys Fought Back; Tauzin's Bias Charge Picked Up; NBC Boosted Boies as a "Legend in His Own Time"; Spiked by ABC-TV -- Weekend Edition [1]
When Ford asserted that "polls have told us that the public is more interested in fairness and accuracy than speed," Lynne Cheney cut him off: "Wait a second. The polls don't show that at all." Later, Dick Cheney contended the media caused more of a problem than any confusing ballots: "I think the network call early on with the polls still open in Florida had probably a bigger impact than anything else that's happened." The comments from the Cheneys came in a live interview in Austin aired at the top of ABC's 10pm ET/9pm CT (on tape elsewhere) Primetime Thursday hosted by Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer. At one point Ford tried to convince Dick Cheney to agree to a state-wide hand count: "Let's say we'll carefully monitor, maybe a super-monitoring team -- former Presidents Carter and Ford have offered their services. If it could be done that way, what's wrong with doing it that way?" Jack Ford began by asking for Dick Cheney's
reaction to the Florida Supreme Court ruling imposing no legal impediment
to hand counts. Ford next challenged him with the Democratic spin: Next, Ford wondered: "On a personal note here, it's been nine days since election day. How difficult have these nine days of uncertainty been for you, Mrs. Cheney?" He followed up by asking what they said to each other when they thought they'd won and what did Bush say to Gore when he called to withdraw his concession. Ford then arrived at the supposition which upset
Lynne Cheney: Dick Cheney answered that the ballots are designed for machine counting and have already been counted. Ford's next question fired up Dick Cheney: "Are you concerned, given the extraordinary circumstances here, that if you win this election, you become President and Vice President, that still in the minds of many people out there, not necessarily rapid partisans, there's going to be a taint on this election?" Dick Cheney predicted the American people will rally around whoever takes office. He then used the question as an opportunity to take on the media: "I really think there are serious questions about the way the media reported this election the first night. In effect we had an early call in Florida. The polls in Florida were still open, all of Western Florida, the Panhandle, Republican area, conservative area, was in effect told, before they voted in many cases, that the decision was already made in Florida. One estimate is that at least 10,000 Bush voters never went to the polls because of that early call. That early call held for over two hours. That probably depressed our vote in the Western part of the United States, then it was reversed late in the evening, and then finally it came back to us. So, if you want to look at what distorted the process, I think the network call early on with the polls still open in Florida had probably a bigger impact than anything else that's happened." Wouldn't it be great to have a Second Couple who would use TV interviews to bash the media? Cheney's 10,000 vote estimate came from John R. Lott Jr., a senior research scholar at the Yale University Law School best-known for his studies on how guns prevent crime, who outlined his estimates in an op-ed published Tuesday in the Philadelphia Inquirer. An excerpt: By prematurely declaring Gore the winner shortly before polls had closed in Florida's conservative western Panhandle, the media ended up suppressing the Republican vote. Bush obtained over 65 percent of the vote in the affected area. With only 329 votes separating the two candidates Friday morning, even a few hundred discouraged votes in addition to the 379,000 cast in Florida's western panhandle could have made a crucial difference. Congressman Billy Tauzin (R., La.) promises congressional hearings to look into the impact, although the discussion is focusing on California's razor-thin Republican congressional losses and the very tight Senate race in Washington.... Unfortunately, more than a few Florida votes were also affected. An examination of past Republican presidential votes by county in Florida from 1988 to 2000 shows that while total votes declined, the Republican voting rate in the western panhandle was significantly suppressed relative to the non-Republican vote. The 4 percent greater reduction in Republican votes averages about 1,000 votes per county, 10,000 Republican votes for all 10 counties in the western Panhandle. This holds true even after accounting for the average differences in voting rates across counties as well as the changes in voting rates from one election to another. This conservative estimate of 10,000 votes is more than the any additional votes that Gore might pick up from the manual recounts in counties like Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade.... END Excerpt To read Lott's entire analysis, go to: Back to the Cheney interview, Ford moved on to a more agreeable question: "Do you think, given what the Democrats are trying to do in the state of Florida, that the Gore campaign and the Democrats are trying to steal this election?" Ford ended the segment by asking if the Secretary of State certifies Bush the winner on Saturday will they declare themselves the new President and Vice President? When Cheney answered in the affirmative, a bewildered Ford countered: "Even if there's a hand count going on in some counties?" Primetime Thursday moved on to non-political topics, such as HMOs which don't inform their clients of doctor suspensions, but the show ended with Charles Gibson interviewing Gore team lawyer David Boies live via satellite from Tallahassee. Gibson's last question to Boies: "I know you say that you hope she does not do this, but is it your nightmare scenario that she does announce George Bush the winner this weekend while the hand counts continue?"
On the November 16 CBS Evening News, Bob Schieffer
told Dan Rather, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: CBS News President Andrew Heyward's denial of bias in this one instance doesn't carry much weight when you realize he doesn't think CBS ever displays a liberal bias. Appearing on C-SPAN back on July 30, in response to a caller who asked about liberal media bias documented by the Media Research Center and Accuracy in Media, Heyward was dismissive: "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I do deny that we have a bias, and I'm familiar with the work that [Brent] Bozell and [Reed] Irvine do. They are activists and extremists of the right." Returning to Thursday night, over on the NBC Nightly
News, Tom Brokaw read a shorter item on the same subject: "On Capitol
Hill today, Republican Congressman Billy Tauzin of Louisiana accused the
television networks, including NBC, of bias, favoring Vice President Gore
on election night. Tauzin is the Chairman of the House Commerce
Telecommunications Subcommittee. He said the timing of the winner
projections in different states discouraged Republican voters in Florida
and also in other states."
Tom Brokaw introduced the nearly three-minute-long NBC Nightly News tribute: "As the battle in the Florida arena shifted to the legal arena, the Gore campaign brought in a heavyweight, a New York lawyer with an enviable record and a quirky personal style. The Gore team hopes he'll do for them what he did to Bill Gates. His name is David Boies, and he's a legend in his own time." Jim Avila began, as transcribed by MRC analyst
Brad Wilmouth:
But no ABC News TV show touched the story, leaving it to FNC to give it TV time. Zilch on Good Morning America, Nightline and World News Tonight Tuesday night through Thursday night. FNC's Carl Cameron mentioned the development in a larger story in which he also related how Palm Beach County's Carol Roberts, who is now leading the charge for a hand count, opposed one in September for a Republican who lost a race by 11 votes. But first, an excerpt of the November 15 story on which ABC TV skipped. Chris Vlasto and David Ruppe disclosed: Several days after presidential votes were tallied in what has become the hotbed of Florida's post-election confusion, police in Palm Beach County confiscated a ballot-box mechanism from the car of a well-known local Democrat. The mechanism, called a "Votomatic," did not contain any ballots. It's a device used on some types of ballot boxes to punch votes through ballot cards, which are then tallied by computers. According to a police report filed at the Palm Beach County sheriff's office and obtained by ABCNEWS, Irving Slosberg, 53, pulled the mechanism from his car and handed it over to police on Nov. 11 after denying to a county government employee that he had it. When told of the incident, Palm Beach County's supervisor of elections, Theresa LePore, declined to press charges, according to the report. "She noted that this incident did occur during the hand count of the presidential election and LePore stated she did not wish to pursue further this matter at this time due to extenuating circumstances," it said. No further action was taken. Slosberg, a 53-year-old resident of nearby Boca Raton who owns a handbag company, recently won a seat in the state Legislature amid allegations he tried to buy his election. The officer who filed the report, Deputy Sheriff Daniel Grose, had been working a special elections detail when he was contacted by Denise Cote, director of public affairs for Palm Beach County. Cote said she believed Slosberg had an official Palm Beach County ballot box, according to the police report. Cote told the deputy she first wanted to speak with Slosberg alone to convince him to give the machinery back, but she asked the officer to stand by. Ten minutes later, Cote returned to the officer and said Slosberg had become confrontational and denied having the mechanism. "I asked Mr. Slosberg to return it to me, and he said no, he intended to use it," Cote told She said Slosberg did not say how he wanted to use it and he declined to say how he had obtained it. "I was told by the county's attorney's office that it must have been taken from a voting booth, because there was no other way that he could have obtained it," Cote said. When the officer asked Slosberg whether he had the item, Slosberg led the officer to his car and handed over the Votomatic, according to the police report.... A Palm Beach Post political columnist wrote Monday that Slosberg had been "schlepping" the mechanism around the county government center "like a traveling election equipment salesman." "He was happy to provide a demonstration of the county's ballot problems for anyone with a TV camera last week," wrote columnist George Bennett. But Slosberg was no longer toting the visual aid Saturday night, after Mary McCarty, a Palm Beach County commissioner, demanded to know how he got his hands on a piece of official county voting machinery, Bennett wrote. "It disappeared," Slosberg said Sunday when asked about the Votomatic. END Excerpt To read the entire article, go to: Thursday night on FNC's Special Report with
Brit Hume, reporter Carl Cameron picked up on that revelation as well
as two other interesting charges made against the chief canvasser in
Palm Beach County and pressure applied by the Gore-supporting Attorney
General. He explained, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: Cameron pointed out a double standard in how Katherine Harris is portrayed: "Some Florida Democrats want Harris disqualified for contributing to and co-chairing Florida's Bush campaign as well as conferring with partisan Bush operatives, but the allegations against the chairman of Florida's Gore campaign who has pushed for manual recounts and also happens to be the state's Attorney General are more serious. Bob Butterworth allegedly used his office to pressure the Volusia County canvassing board for a manual recount. The board chairman was quoted as saying he felt it was inappropriate. And at this point Butterworth has yet to comment on those allegations or the conversation that he allegedly had." Cameron then gave air time to the
story: "The Palm Beach County police just on Wednesday night
actually pulled over another Democratic election official, and in his
car they found a mechanical voting machine. Wasn't supposed to be
there. No ballots on hand and no charges filed, but with each day it
seems there is more evidence of potential irregularities raising more
questions about the integrity of this whole process, Brit."
MRC analyst Paul Smith took down Caddell's
words from the November 15 Hardball live MSNBC and played back later
on CNBC. Caddell pointed out: Caddell went on to explain: "Let me tell you what happened in Duval County which the media, for everybody running down to save the poor people of Palm Beach, in Duval County which had voted 300,000 people, in Jacksonville where I actually started my political, well my polling career and I know pretty well, I went through every precinct there last night. What you find is that nine percent, twice as many people proportionate were banned, were knocked out of the election because they had a two page ballot and by the way, of those 27,000 people knocked out of Duval County, 15,000 were in precincts where George Bush carried by 75 percent or more but we don't have any media or anybody running up to protect those people. I mean, this has been so disproportionate. I don't blame the Democrats. They have a game which is pretend its all in our court but I blame the media for not having more balance in this and the people of Florida, by the way, have apparently overwhelmingly figured this out." Maybe so too has Katherine Harris. -- Brent Baker [5]
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