ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell [2] today called on Newsweek magazine to issue a public apology in its next issue for misinforming the public about television ads run by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Newsweek claims in its post-election issue: When the Swift Boat vets made ads attacking Kerry with images from his 1971 testimony, they used a voice-over, an actor reading Kerry's words. (The Newsweek story was written by Evan Thomas, based on reporting from Eleanor Clift, Kevin Peraino, Jonathan Darman, Peter Goldman, Holly Bailey, Tamara Lipper and Suzanne Smalley.)
We have checked with people representing the Swift Boat Veterans and they confirm they used the actual Kerry testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in their ads. This nonsense in Newsweek about how an actors voice-over was used instead of the authentic Kerry tape is misinforming the public, as much of the media did during the entire campaign when it came to covering the Swift Boat Veterans. Newsweek still has it wrong and must correct the record with an apology to the Swift Boat Veterans in its next issue, Bozell said.
Newsweek should apologize, not just issue a correction, added Bozell, as it is now known that Newsweek didnt even telephone the Swift Boat Vets to ask whether a voice-over was used. They just ran a false story without checking with the people responsibleand that is irresponsible journalism.
To schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, contact
Tim Scheiderer at (703)-683-5004, ext. 126.