Cheering On Richard Clarke - March 26, 2004

March 26, 2004
Cheering On Richard Clarke
"'Clarke's own words contributed to the end of his credibility with people,' said Terry Holt, Mr. Bush's campaign spokesman. But Democrats and some Republicans not associated with the campaign questioned that assessment. They described Mr. Clarke's appearance before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States as compelling and said that Mr. Bush's campaign, which had already been criticized by some families of victims for using footage of World Trade Center destruction in its campaign advertisements, would have to deal with the emotional show of support by victims of Mr. Clarke after he said, 'I failed you.'" - Adam Nagourney and Richard Stevenson, March 26.

"At the worst possible moment, [Richard Clarke's allegations] undercuts Mr. Bush on the issue that he has made the unapologetic centerpiece of his administration and a linchpin of his re-election campaign: his handling of the global war on terror."

"His critique can hardly be chalked up to partisan politics as usual. He was a registered Republican in 2000, a career White House civil servant under three presidents, one of the few national security experts held over from the first Bush administration into the Clinton years, and then held over again under the current President Bush."

"But the continuing failure to find chemical or biological weapons has put Mr. Bush's basic credibility in jeopardy, and several recent polls have found that a bare majority of Americans now say the war in Iraq was not worth the loss of American lives and other costs." - Todd Purdum, March 23.

A Tale of Two Tax Plans

"Facing heavy pressure from the Bush administration, House Republicans defeated attempts by Democrats on Thursday to block new tax cuts that would increase the nation's already swollen federal budget deficit." - opening line to Richard Oppel Jr.'s story, March 26.


"Responding to widespread anxiety about the movement of American jobs overseas, Senator John Kerry plans to propose on Friday a sweeping revision of international corporate taxes intended to prompt companies to invest more money in the United States." - opening line to story by Edmund Andrews and Jodi Wilgoren, March 26.

God - I Mean Gosh - I Admire You
"Dr. Newdow, a nonpracticing lawyer who makes his living as an emergency room doctor, may not win his case. In fact, justices across the ideological spectrum appeared to be searching for reasons he should lose, either on jurisdictional grounds or on the merits. But no one who managed to get a seat in the courtroom is likely ever to forget his spell-binding performance." - Linda Greenhouse on atheist Michael Newdow's testimony before the Supreme Court, March 26.

Hamas Killer Just A "Palestinian Opponent to Israel's Occupation"
"The outpouring of anger and grief that rolled across the Middle East on Monday indicated that in assassinating Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, the Israelis had not targeted just another Palestinian opponent to its occupation." - Neil MacFarquhar, March 23.

Francisco Franco Still Dead... Times Bias Still Disgraceful

"Some Spaniards felt that the crisis of confidence unleashed demons lurking in Spain's history. It was only 29 years ago that General Francisco Franco died, bringing to an end nearly four decades of dictatorshipthe heavy-handedness of the Aznar government triggered memories of the distortions of truth, and of the censorship and the propaganda that prevailed during the dictatorship. - Elaine Sciolino, March 22.

Hunger Stalks The Suburbs

"On the surface, hunger may seem more severe and more intractable in the hearts of the largest cities. But experts say that more and more people who live in suburban and outlying areas are also having to make hard choices that sometimes leave them scrambling for their next meal." - Adrienne Lu, March 22.

Kerry's "Astute" Gaffe

"Remarks With a Purpose-When Senator John Kerry made offhanded remarks about Republicans this week, some aides say, the comments were not accidental but the move of an astute politician aiming a spotlight on a topic harmful to his opponent." - "Times Inside," box on the March 13 front page.

No Busting Kerry's Cocoon

"Mr. Kerry has taken every opportunity to hit Mr. Bush in response to the news of the day, a tactic he has used so frequently and effectively that his aides have made it an essential part of their strategy. On Wednesday, Mr. Kerry even got ahead of the news, attacking before it was announced the president's choice for manufacturing czar of a business executive who had laid off workers and opened a factory in China; the next day the executive withdrew from consideration. Kerry advisers have not had to look hard for openings." - David Halbfinger, March 15.

Spanish Election = Bush Defeat

"Blow to Bush: Ally Rejected-Voters Clearly Reiterate Opposition to Iraq War." - Headline to David Sanger story, March 15.