Media Research Center

Media Pump Up Obama Despite High Gas Prices, Hype Dropping Prices

Meanwhile, per gallon prices still 60 cents higher than last year, $1.56 higher than when Obama took office.
Media Research Center

Red, White, and Partisan

How the Media Furor Over Bush's War on Terror Vanished Under Obama

Networks Barely Criticize Obama's Disastrous 'Green Jobs' Policies

Criticism excluded from 92 percent of network news reports, despite bankruptcies of federally subsidized companies.

Networks Take Cue from Obama, Wait Nearly 6 Years to Attack S&P

Most ABC, CBS and NBC criticism comes after White House fears 2011 default, despite S&P failure during 2005 housing crisis.

Producers Pick Lesbian Kiss, R-Rated Movies as Teen Choice Award Nominees

A secretive panel of adults has, once again, picked raunchy material for teens award show

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

Media Ignored How Failed Gay Relationship, Violent Outbursts Impacted Wikileaks 'Hero'

'Emotionally fragile' soldier accused of releasing documents had been recently spurned by homosexual lover

Media Ignore Labor Attacks on Catholic Colleges

National Labor Relations Board Declare Manhattan and Xavier Colleges 'Lack Substantial Religious Character,' to Force Unionization

Obama Backs EPA War on Coal, While Networks Ignore Harm to Industry

Major utility announces proposal to retire power plants, layoff workers and spend billions to comply with 'pending' regulations.

CNN Money Blames Budget Deficit on Tax Cuts

'Tax Cuts Push Deficit to New Milestone' story ignores massive spending of the Obama administration.
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