
CNN Heaps Negativity on Romney's Tax Info, Says Voters Will Take Issue

CNN cast an unfavorable image of Mitt Romney's just-released tax forms on Tuesday, warning that his overseas wealth and low tax rate might drive away voters.

Piers Morgan and Rosie O'Donnell Bash 'Anti-Homosexuals' Republicans

Both CNN's Piers Morgan and guest Rosie O'Donnell slammed Republican candidates for their "anti-homosexuals" stances on Tuesday night's Piers Morgan Tonight.

David Letterman Jokes About Gingrich Abusing Wife, Mocks Gov. Christie's Weight

During the first half of his Monday night CBS show, comedian David Letterman joked at the expense of Newt Gingrich's first marriage and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's weight, while comparing ...

CNN's Cafferty Quotes Liberal Columnist to Suggest Gingrich Is 'Clueless' About African-Americans

On Tuesday's The Situation Room, CNN commentator Jack Cafferty pulled from a Daily Beast column to suggest that GOP candidate Newt Gingrich is "clueless" about African-Americans.

CNN Highlights 'Bad Memories, Bitterness Over Romney Past' In South Carolina

A report by CNN's David Mattingly that aired on Friday's The Situation Room emphasized the "bitter Bain memories" left in South Carolina from Bain Capital, the private equity firm that candidate ...

PBS Host Singles Out GOP Candidates for Hostility to Poor, 'We're In a World of Trouble'

PBS host and leftist activist Tavis Smiley called out Republican candidates for their hostility to the poor in America, on Thursday morning on MSNBC. Appearing during the 7 a.m. hour of Morning ...

CNN's O'Brien Tells Romney the DNC Chair Has a Point - That's Not What She Said Earlier

When DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claimed that Mitt Romney suffered a "setback" in New Hampshire, CNN Soledad O'Brien challenged her outlandish assumption ' but then used the talking point ...

CNN Hosts Liberal Activists Who Bash Santorum, Gingrich for 'Verbal War Against the Poor'

Hosting two far-left activists, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux teed them up with "controversial" quotes from Republican presidential hopefuls that she said "people found quite offensive and strange."

CNN Hosts Liberal Columnist to Scold Republicans; Hits Santorum's 'Homophobic' Words

Hours before New Hampshire voters would choose a Republican candidate to oppose President Obama, CNN host Kyra Phillips brought on liberal columnist L.Z. Granderson to tout his latest op-ed which ...

CNN Panel Torches Gingrich's 'Self-Immolation' Campaign, 'Murder-Suicide'

On Tuesday morning's Starting Point, CNN political analyst Ron Brownstein ripped candidate Newt Gingrich's campaign strategy as "murder-suicide." The harsh rhetoric was reflective of the network's ...
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