Media Research Center

Gas Below $3 in 49 States, Senators Call for Gas Tax Hike

As falling prices poised to be ‘big plus for the economy’ politicians consider ‘option’ of higher taxes.
Media Research Center

ABC Heralds $3.43-A-Gallon Gas, Forget Prices Spiked Under Obama

Gasoline continues streak above $3-a-gallon -1,349 days by Labor Day.

ABC: Gas Tax Break 'Great Politics, but Apparently Terrible Economics'

'World News' reports proposed gas tax holiday supported by Clinton and McCain is bad for consumers and the environment.

Media Hit the Gas -- Correctly, for a Change

Finally, 26 years and thousands of stories later, journalists find the price is right.

USA Today Finds Negative Slant to Falling Gas Prices

Reporter Hagenbaugh fails to tell readers that 'consumer rights' watchdog is liberal, conspiracy theorist.

News Flash: Gas Prices Up with Thanksgiving Driving

CNN, NBC don't see a connection; NBC complains 5-cent jump in prices will 'gobble' up travel budget

NBC Repeats Incorrect Claim That Gas At 'All-Time High'

Lundberg Survey is three cents higher than AAA but below September high and inflation-adjusted record.

CNN's Lee Pumps Up Gas Price

Business reporter errs in saying Americans are paying a penny less than the 'all-time high.'
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