Abby Huntsman

Media Research Center

NYT Writer Defends Gruber on MSNBC; Voter Expectations on Health Care Are ‘Completely Incoherent’

During a discussion on MSNBC’s The Cycle about the disparaging comments ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber made about the law’s passage and the “stupidity” of voters, New York Times writer and ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo's Huntsman: Anthony Weiner 'Slept Well' After Sanford Win, 'Knowing He Can Come Back'

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, Huffington Post contributor Abby Huntsman proclaimed that following Mark Sanford's win in Tuesday's special congressional election in South Carolina, ...
Media Research Center

CNN Panel Tells Republicans to Move to the Center

"Tone deaf" Republicans are too conservative, or so said CNN's panel on Friday's Starting Point. CNN's Don Lemon remarked, "I think unless the GOP becomes the GNP, which is the Grand New ...
Media Research Center

CNN Lets Jon Huntsman's Daughter Rip GOP, Diss Sarah Palin

It's no secret that Jon Huntsman was the liberal media's Republican darling during primary season. Now he is skipping the GOP convention and has joined the liberal Brookings Institution, ...
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