
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Again Skip Gruber; CBS Allows a Scant 13 Seconds

The blackout of Jonathan Gruber and his ObamaCare deceptions continued on ABC and NBC, Friday morning. CBS allowed a scant 13 seconds to the highly embarrassing videos of the health care law ...
Media Research Center

NBC Pretends Keystone Vote Isn't a Political Favor for a Desperate Democrat

All three networks on Thursday covered the abrupt reversal of the United States Senate on the Keystone XL Pipeline. In the wake of the devastating midterm losses last week, Democrats are allowing ...
Media Research Center

Nets Ignore Far-Left Agenda of 'Fringe' Mob's Attack on U.S. Sailors in Turkey

ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts on Wednesday glossed over the radical left-wing ideology of the Turkish protesters who assaulted three U.S. sailors in Istanbul earlier in the day. ABC's ...
Media Research Center

ABC Continues to Hype Book With ‘Astonishing’ Claim That Jesus Married and Had Children

On Wednesday night, ABC News continued to promote a new book with the “astonishing” claim that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had two children together with a flattering one-and-a-half ...
Media Research Center

Networks Excited By 'Landmark,' 'Major,' 'Big' Climate Deal

All three networks on Wednesday offered excited descriptions about a global warming deal struck with China by the Obama administration. According to Good Morning America's Jim Avila, the ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore Economy as Voters’ Top Concern in Post-Election Analysis

Exit polls showed economy weighing on voters' minds, but networks ignored it in 84 percent of stories.
Media Research Center

NBC's Today Ignores GOP Winning 53rd Senate Seat, Discusses World’s Largest Corn Maze Instead

Early Wednesday morning, Republican Dan Sullivan officially defeated incumbent Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) more than a week after Election Day. With the victory, the GOP now has 53 Senate seats ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Video of ObamaCare Architect Crediting Law’s Passage to ‘the Stupidity of the American Voter’

On Friday, the group American Commitment uploaded a video to YouTube of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber telling a group of healthcare economists in 2013 that the “lack of transparency” ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Explosive' Claim That Jesus Was Married With Kids

The journalists at ABC News get very excited whenever a new book attempts to undermine Christianity. On Monday, the reporters at Good Morning America hyped "shocking new claims" that Jesus Christ ...
Media Research Center

GMA Promotes Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program

On Monday, ABC’s Good Morning America provided First Lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, entitled the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, with some free publicity. Co-host George ...
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