
ABC's Shipman: Sotomayor Is No 'Elite Liberal Judicial Philosopher'

On Sunday's This Week, ABC correspondent Claire Shipman claimed it would be "very hard"" for Republicans to label Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a liberal. That was too much even for ...

'World News' Trumps Up Severity of Former Countrywide CEO Civil Charges

ABC suggests jail time possible for Angelo Mozilo, but CNBC reports civil case will likely wind up settled outside of court.

ABC's Cokie Roberts Agrees With Sotomayor: Women Are Better

ABC veteran Cokie Roberts agrees with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's assertion that a wise woman would come to a better conclusion than a man: "Of course, I would agree with her that ...

Nets Tout Obama's 'Historic' and 'Transformational' Speech in Cairo

Thursday's network evening newscasts gave positive reviews to President Obama's Cairo speech, with NBC the most glowingly positive. NBC quoted one observer who said she got "goose pimples," and ...

Chris Cuomo: Link Terror to Israeli/Palestinian Fight and Americans Might 'Understand' It

On location with Barack Obama in the Middle East, ABC's Chris Cuomo Thursday condescendingly suggested to the son of Egypt's President that if Americans "understood the link to the ...

A Pro-Life Jihad?

The prop-abortion media is willing to smear the pro-life movement with the mud of the militia movement or al-Qaeda if it will enable their cause.

Obama, Media Likely Wrong on 2009 Job Figures ... By May

Finding the 'glass half full,' nets and newspapers find good news about job loss, ignore failure of stimulus to halt rising unemployment.

NBC, ABC Attack Governor and California Voters for Proposed Termination of 'Essential Services'

The 'Today Show' and 'World News' mourn California's proposed budget cuts, despite the state's failing economy.

ABC Turns to Doomsday Propaganda to Push Global Warming Solutions

Network spends two hours predicting future, promoting Obama and left-wing climate ideas or mankind doomed to new 'dark ages.'

ABC Rues 'It's a Lot Easier to Make Cuts Than It is To Raise Taxes'

Two weeks after ABC's Laura Marquez blamed California's budget deficit on an "unwillingness to raise taxes" tied to 1978's Proposition 13 "mandating an almost unachievable two-thirds vote by the ...
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