
Prescription For Bias

Networks Downplay Drug Costs, Treat Medicine as Entitlement

Foreclosures Up: ABC, CBS Blame Lenders

But NBC mentions people are responsible for overly risky borrowing too.

Nightline on Bush in Guatemala: 'Some Say He's Angered the Gods'

On Monday's Nightline, the ABC program continued the media's fascination with the Mayan "spiritual leaders" who protested this week's visit to Guatemala by President Bush.

Will Miracle Baby Change the Abortion Debate?

Preemie Amillia's survival may force America to rethink those Supreme Court trimesters, if the media will allow the discussion.

ABC's Avila Throws Book at Wal-Mart over Class Action Case

Reporter leaves out argument that 9th Circuit ruling flies in face of standing precedent and could hurt business.

ABC Hits Home Run with New Segment on Faith

Woman who refused an abortion and delivered a child conceived through rape is treated with sensitivity.

Networks Ignore Hugo Chavez's Power Grab, Move to Seize Oil, Telecom

Media continue pattern of bypassing Venezuelan dictator's threats against the West.

ABC Runs on Fumes with Detroit Auto Story

Anchor Gibson fails to explain how labor unions are partly to blame for GM, Ford 'Running on Empty.'

Networks Downplay Own Role in Panic over Faulty Car Seat Study

Consumer Reports retracts study, only after media hype of original claims.

Networks Use Good Cancer News to Complain About Federal Funding Levels

ABC, CBS, and NBC also ignore role private industry plays in fighting war on cancer.
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