
Media Research Center

Obamacare Penalty Starts Hitting Taxpayers, Nets Ignore in 91% of Stories

Millions of Americans could face tax penalties, but could be surprised since broadcast media barely mentioned it. 
Media Research Center

The Media vs. the "Radical," "Right-Wing," "Scary," "Dangerous," and "Slimy" Ted Cruz

Liberal reporters welcomed Ted Cruz to the 2016 presidential race by blasting him as "hardline," "right-wing," "radical," "dumb," "scary," "dangerous" and "slimy" -- all in the first 24 hours. ...
Media Research Center

Famous Journalist’s ‘70s Ice Obsession: ‘Glaciers Down to the Mason-Dixon Line’

‘Murrow Boy’ Howard K. Smith also feared ice age, cited scientists and called their arguments ‘pretty convincing.’
Media Research Center

Disney ABC Embraces Hateful X-Rated Bully in New Prime Time Show

Media Research Center (MRC) and Family Research Council (FRC) are launching a joint national campaign to educate the public about a Disney ABC sitcom pilot based on the ...
Media Research Center

Pew Finds 59% Support For ‘Completely Changing’ Federal Tax System, Networks Ignore

Broadcast networks say nothing about support for tax overhaul and often cover taxes from the left. 
Media Research Center

Networks Say Nothing As Congressional Democrats Bully Climate Skeptics

Politicians send ‘chilling’ requests for funding information to academics, non-profits and corporations because of differing climate views.
Media Research Center

Study: Nets Bury Obama's Iran Deal Under Criticism of GOP Letter

A new study by the Media Research Center has found ABC, CBS and NBC gave three times more coverage to critics of the GOP letter than to supporters, and more than eight times as much airtime ...
Media Research Center

Media Fury Over Criticism of Obama; Acknowledging a "Huge Double Standard"

Journalists lash out at ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani after he says he doesn't think Obama loves America, calling that "hateful" "crap," even as Bloomberg's Mark Halperin agrees Democrats have said ...
Media Research Center

Nets Refuse to Report Latest IRS Scandal Developments, ABC Hasn’t Touched in 10 Months

Today House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz issued more subpeonas for documents and hardware in the IRS scandal probe. Just last week, the IRS watchdog charged with investigating Lois ...
Media Research Center

Debate Over a Dress Color Gets 3X More Network Attention Than ‘Net Neutrality’ Ruling

Morning news shows especially obsess over Twitter’s “great dress debate” rather than explain FCC Internet regulations.
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