
Media Research Center

ABC Buries Own Results, Allows 18 Seconds for Obama 'Facing Worst Poll' of His Presidency

The news that Barack Obama is "facing the worst poll numbers of his presidency" warranted a mere 18 seconds of attention from Good Morning America on Tuesday. This scant coverage is despite the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Reports GOP Congressman's Indictment, But Initially Ignored Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s Charges Last Year

Both the ABC World News and the NBC Nightly News reported GOP Congressman Michael Grimm's federal charges of tax evasion on Monday evening, but when former Democratic Congressman Jesse ...
Media Research Center

Kerry Warns Israel Could Become an 'Apartheid State;' Networks Silent

Monday evening's broadcast network newscasts ignored Secretary of State John Kerry saying that Israel risks becoming an "apartheid state" if it doesn't adopt a two-state solution with ...
Media Research Center

Hours Before John Paul II's Canonization, Networks Hype Priest Sex Abuse Scandal

ABC, CBS, and NBC spotlighted the issue of child sex abuse by priests on their Saturday morning and evening newscasts – twenty-four hours or less before the Catholic Church canonized Popes John ...
Media Research Center

Giddy Over Prospect of "Royal" Clinton "Dynasty," and Three Cheers for the IRS

ABC's so-called "news" division is thrilled by news that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant, with their on-air journalists fantasizing about a "royal" Clinton "dynasty" and debating whether Hillary ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Doubles-Down on ABC’s Promotion of Elizabeth Warren

Following a glowing profile of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, sat down with the liberal senator on the Sunday April 27 This Week with George Stephanopoulos and ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts Elizabeth Warren's 'Middle-Class Manifesto,' While Channeling Hillary Is 'Iconic'

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been making the rounds on television promoting her new book “A Fighting Chance” and ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos was the latest to promote the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Covers Oregon 'Pulling the Plug' on Health Exchange, But Omits 'Obama'; ABC, NBC Ignore

Friday's CBS Evening News was the lone Big Three evening newscast to spotlight how the State of Oregon decision to scrap its multimillion dollar health exchange website, and join the federal ...
Media Research Center

ABC Notes Sean Hannity's Support of Cliven Bundy, But Ignores His Condemnation of Bundy's Racism

For the first time on their weekday evening newscasts, the broadcast networks picked up Cliven Bundy's standoff with the federal government – but only after Bundy's racist comments went viral ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Evening Newscasts Omit IRS Tax Cheats Getting Bonuses; Mark 1964 World's Fair

Tuesday's World News on ABC stood out as the only Big Three network evening newscast to cover a new "watchdog report" that found that the IRS "handed out more than $1 million in bonuses to ...
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