
Media Research Center

GOP Strategist Beats the Press: 'Media Assumes There's No Such Thing in the World as a Pro-Life Woman'

Appearing as a panelist on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, Republican strategist Mike Murphy called out journalists for refusing to provide balanced coverage of abortion: "It's always amazed me how ...
Media Research Center

CNN Blames GOP Reps for Women Saying Abortion Most Important Issue

After a Gallup poll showed abortion as the top issue among likely women voters, CNN's Carol Costello suggested Republicans are responsible – and not in a good way. "Why now? Maybe it's because ...

Panic at New York Times? Two Lead Editorials Tar Romney as Sexist and Radical

The easily frightened liberals on the New York Times editorial board fancied they heard '50s-style sexism in an utterly reasonable observation made by Mitt Romney during the second debate about ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Stolberg Finds Abortion 'Vexing' for Romney-Ryan, But Biden's Planned Parenthood Flub Ignored

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg delivered a "Check Point" on Saturday on "just how vexing the abortion issue has become for Mitt Romney and his running mate." But what about Joe Biden's gaffe, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Parrots Obama Campaign Spin That Romney Changed Abortion Stance

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams recited Obama campaign talking points as he proclaimed: "What Mitt Romney said about abortion that sure sounds like a change." ...
Media Research Center

On CBS, Norah O'Donnell Grills GOP Strategist; Takes Romney's Abortion Quote Out of Context

Norah O'Donnell hounded Republican strategist Mike Murphy on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, repeatedly hinting that Mitt Romney flip-flopped on the issue of abortion during his Tuesday interview ...
Media Research Center

Comparing Catholics Ryan and Biden, WaPo Columnist Chides Pro-Life “Fox News Bishops”

Raises false rift between liberal, conservative Catholics.
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Says Todd Akin Controversy Supports Narrative That GOP Is 'Anti-Women'

Piers Morgan said on Thursday that the Todd Akin controversy supports "the argument that the Republican Party is anti-women," playing into the Democratic playbook. "I suppose the problem is ...
Media Research Center

Todd Claims Ryan ‘Distorted the Truth,’ But Must Concede Ryan ‘Technically Factual’; Williams Obsesses on Rape Exception

NBC News demonstrated again Thursday night it has become little more than the more-watched broadcast arm of MSNBC, advancing the same left-wing attacks on conservatives as first trotted out on ...
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