
Media Research Center

HuffPo: Celebrate ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ With Abortion

Blogger insists all moms were ‘angry mothers’ before abortion made legal.
Media Research Center

Golden Globe Actress Calls Abortion Barriers ‘Fundamentally Wrong’

Kathleen Turner bashes the pro-life personhood movement.
Media Research Center

Media Two-Faced on Brain-Dead Pregnant Mothers

‘Fetus’ vs. ‘Baby’ again.
Media Research Center

Feminist Media Hail Satanists for Deeming Abortion a ‘Religious Belief’

Media, Satanists joining together for abortion and to mock religious exemptions.
Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Prez: Abortion ‘The Key to Women’s Opportunity’

Richards cheerleads for infanticide in TIME.
Media Research Center

Dr. Alveda King: Cosmo Helping ‘Line the Pockets’ of Abortion Industry

Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. says PP and Cosmo are leading girls to abortion.
Media Research Center

Roseanne Barr Rants About ‘Bullsh*t War’ on Abortion

Comedienne says abortion is ‘nobody’s goddamn business.’
Media Research Center

Rand Paul: Ask the Other Side ‘When Does Life Begin?’

2016 hopeful calls out the media – again.
Media Research Center

DNC Chair, Democratic Party: Aborting 7-Pound Babies Is ‘Personal Liberty’

Wasserman-Schulz doesn’t know when life begins, but she’s for ending it any old time.
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Abortion a ‘Basic Core Skill’ for Med Students

Host wants med students to learn abortion.
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