
TIME Writer Objects to Recognizing Life at Conception

Nancy Gibbs suggests McCain's stance could lead to more abortions.

NYT Explores Strategies for Obama to Win Catholic Votes

The Times downplays the candidate's radical pro-abortion record.

WaPo 'News' Article Slams Measure Protecting Conscience of Health Care Workers

The Bush proposal would uphold the right of pharmacists, for example, to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraceptives that kill babies.

Democrats Try and Get Religion, Times Declares It Good

"Can Leah Daughtry Bring Faith to the Party?" The Times certainly hopes so, and forgives her creationist views.

LA Times Writer Whacks Columnist for 'Shivving' Sebelius Over Abortion

Media critic Tim Rutten attacks Robert Novak for using guilt by association against the Kansas governor, then plays the same card against Novak.

Sudden Respect for the Pope's Political Views - on Illegal Immigration

While papal opposition to abortion is dismissed as "doctrinal hardness," the Church's support of illegal immigration is treated as profound.

Clueless in Obama Nation

On Sunday, at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, Sen. Obama promoted homosexual legal civil unions in answer to a question posed by a pastor, and then threw out this challenge: If people find ...

CBS Evening News Acknowledges that Premature Babies Feel Pain

The network leaves one question unanswered: why do some physicians still say infants don't feel pain?

Choose-Life Movie Plots? They're Fictions, 'Consoling' and 'Cutesy'

Only pro-abortion movies are honest about the lives of women, in the view of Washington Post movie reviewer Ann Hornaday.

Oscar Loves "Juno"?

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