
Media Research Center

Ads So Vulgar Even Lefties are Offended?

Playtex campaign’s cheap sex jokes fall flat.
Media Research Center

Another Win for Occupy Wall Street: Cute Commercials for McDonald's, Vegas Vacations

And you thought it was just a cute ad for Las Vegas: "Marketers are adopting the theme of workers’ rights at a time when unions themselves are confronting declines in membership and influence. ...

A Suspicious "Deep-Pocketed Conservative Group"

The Times front page warns readers about Freedom's Watch, a "deep-pocketed conservative group" with suspicions of White House ties. Did the left-wing ever receive this level of scrutiny ...

No Matter Who Runs the Ad, Rudy Still Looks Bad

Give the Times points for consistency - it concludes that both's anti-Giuliani ads and Giuliani's own anti-Hillary ads make him look bad.
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